
首頁 > 商務英語 > 實用英語 > 七年級英語上Unit5練習題及答案


推薦人: 來源: 閱讀: 2.91W 次




1.—Where's my pencil box?

—I ______ know.

't   't  't  not

2.—Where are your computer games?

—______ are in my schoolbag.


pencil box is ______ the bed but the schoolbag is ______ the bed.

;on ;on

;under ;under

apples are ______ the tree and the bird is ______ the tree.

;in ;on ;in ;on

5.—Are your books on the desk?


are aren't

isn't is

6.______ is my watch.

e e


—They are tables.

are they 's this

are you e are they

8.—Where's your brother?

—He is ______.

home the school

home school

9.—Is this ______ book?

—No,it isn't.I think it's Jim's.


10.I ask for some ______.

ish book ish books

g il box

11.—______ is my skirt?

—It's behind the door.

e e h

e are many pictures ______ the wall.


are some ______ of Linda's family.

o oes os D.a photo

eraser isn't ______'s ______.

;his ;his ;her ;mine

15.______,boys;you can win(贏).

in to on 's


My name is !This is a picture of __1__ family.A boy is in it.__2__ is my brother,y is __3__ the sofa.A woman(婦女)is in the picture, is my__4__ is at the father__5__ in the is at__6__with his students.A plant and a schoolbag __7__on the schoolbag is my brother'__8__are under the are also my __9__ can see some__10__ are in the bookcase.




her in er nd

't 't 't

e ol ser


s er balls

her B. brother's er ers

card t



This is Jim's 's a nice e are some pictures on the wall(牆) e's a desk and a chair in his e is a sofa and a bookcase, desk is between(在……之間)the bed and the schoolbag and pencil box are on the e are some pencils,a pen and a ruler in the pencil 's sofa is near the baseball is under the bed.

e is ______ in his room.

A.a desk and a chair B.a desk and some chairs

C.a chair and some desks desks and a chair

desk is between the ______ and the ______.

;bookcase ;bookcase

;sofa ;bed

's pencil box is ______.

the desk to the desk

r the bed the desk

's bed is near the ______.



's ______ is under the bed.

ball r h


This is a room in Kate's e is a big bed,a ta ble,a computer and some chairs in e's a glass and some books on the e is a picture on the is in the is looking at the father and mother are in the work hard.

there only one room in Kate's house?

,there is. e is a bed.

e is a computer. D.I don't know.

t's in the room?

a bed.

a table.

some chairs.

D.A bed,a table,a computer and some chairs.

there anything on the table?

,there is. ,there isn't.

books. D.A glass.

is at home?

's father. 's mother.

's brother. .

's father an d mother are ______.

hers ents

nds home


Dear Sally,

When you go to see your brother,you can take some things to him:his math book,a baseball,notebooks,CDs and a video both can play baseball tomorrow brother needs the you can enjoy the CDs math book is on the baseball is under the CDs are in the video cassette is behind the computer.

Have a good time!Baby!


y can take ______ things to her brother when she goes to see him.


math book is ______.

the bed r the bed

the desk the desk

y doesn't have to take ______ with her.


C.a notebook soccer ball

does she take CDs?

give them back to her brother. enjoy them with her brother.

sell them to her brother. play with them.

e is the video cassette?

's on the computer. 's in the desk.

's behind the computer. 's behind the bed.



keys o n the sof a

watch on the table

hat on the bed


Dear Alan,




1. 答案:B 點撥:考查助動詞。主語爲I,know爲動詞原形,其否定形式應在其前直接加don't。選B項。

2. 答案:D 點撥:考查人稱代詞。題目中的主語“your computer games”是複數形式,所以人稱代詞應用they。故選D項。

3. 答案:D 點撥:句中的but說明前後的介詞應爲互爲反義詞,四個選項中只有D項符合,故選D項。

4. 答案:A 點撥:考查介詞。樹自身結的果實在樹上需用介詞on,外在的人或物在樹上需用介詞in。故選A項。

5. 答案:B 點撥:考查句型。由答語中的No可知是否定回答,排除A、D兩項;問句中的主語your books是複數形式,代詞應用they,排除C項。故選B項。

6. 答案:C 點撥:考查指示代詞。A項意爲“這些”;B項意爲“那些”;C項意爲“這;這個”;D項意爲“他們”。題意爲“這是我的手錶”,是單數形式。瀏覽各選項,只有C項符合題意。故選C項。

7. 答案:A 點撥:考查特殊疑問句。由答語“它們是桌子”可知,問句是詢問“它們是什麼?”。A項意爲“它們是什麼?”;B項意爲“這是什麼?”;C項意爲“你好嗎?”;D項意爲“它們在哪裏?”。瀏覽各選項,只有 A項符合題意。故選A項。

8. 答案:C 點撥:考查介詞短語。“在家”應表達爲at home;“在學校”應表達爲at school或in the school。瀏覽各選項,只有C項符合題意。故選C項。

9. 答案:A 點撥:考查形容詞性物主代詞。book是名詞,其前面應用物主代詞修飾,瀏覽各選項,只有A項your是物主代詞。故選A 項。

10. 答案:B 點撥:考查詞彙。題目中的some“一些”,表明其後的名詞應用複數形式。選項中只有B項 “英語書”是複數。故選B項。

11. 答案:A 點撥:考查疑問詞。A項意爲“在哪裏”;B項意爲“什麼”;C項意爲“誰的”;D項意爲“哪一個”。由答語“It's behind the door.(它在門後。)”可知是詢問地點。故應選A項。

12. 答案:B 點撥:考查介詞。“在牆上”需用介詞on。故選B項。

13. 答案:C 點撥:考查名詞複數。由系動詞are可知“不止一張照片”,排除A、D兩項;photo的複數形式直接在詞尾加­s,排除B項。故選C項。

14. 答案:B 點撥:題幹中的兩個空所填的應作表語,名詞性物主代詞可以作表語,而形容詞性物主代詞不能作表語,故選B項。

15. 答案:C 點撥:根據句意“男孩們,加油啊,你們會贏的”可知,此處應選一個表示“加油”的短語,四個選項中只有come on有此意,故選C項。


答案:1.D 點撥:考查詞彙。根據全文內容可知本文是講我的一幅全家照。故選D項。

2.B 點撥:考查人稱代詞。湯米是一男孩,人稱代詞需用he。故選B項。

3.A 點撥:考查介詞。“在沙發上”用介詞on。故選A項。

4.C 點撥:考查詞彙。根據前一句中的woman一詞可知“她是成年女性”,只有C項最符合題意。故選C項。

5.A 點撥:考查系動詞。根據主語My father是第三人稱單數可知應選A項。

6.C 點撥:考查介詞短語。at 均不與desk“課桌”和dresser“梳妝檯”搭配,at與table搭配,意爲“在吃飯,在進餐”,與句意不符。at可與school構成at school意爲“在學校”。選C項。

7.B 點撥:考查系動詞。主語 a plant and a schoolbag是複數,系動詞應用are。故選B項。

8.D 點撥:考查詞彙。two後接複數名詞,排除B、C兩項;在椅子下面的不可能是兩間房,排除A項。故選D項。

9.B 點撥:考查名詞所有格。my與A、C、D三項搭配均構成名詞短語,分別意爲“我的弟 弟(哥哥)”,“我的妹妹(姐姐)”,“我的姐妹們”,與題目中they表示的“baseballs”意義不符。只有B項my brother's “我弟弟的”表示所有,符合題意。故選B項。

10.B 點撥:考查詞彙。some後用可數名詞的複數形式,排除A、D兩項;根據下句“它們在書櫥裏”,排除C項。故選B項。



答案:1.A 點撥:細節理解題。根據句子“There's a desk and a chair in his room.”可知。

2.B 點撥:細節理解題。根據句子“The desk is between(在……之間)the bed and the bookcase.”可知。

3.A 點撥:細節理解題。根據句子“His schoolbag and pencil box are on the desk.(他的書包和鉛筆盒在課桌上。)”可知。

4.C 點撥:細節理解題。根據句子“The desk is between(在……之間)the bed and the bookcase.(課桌在牀和書櫥之間。)”可知牀在課桌附近。

5.B 點撥:細節理解題。根據短文最後一句可知。


答案:6.D 點撥:細節理解題。通讀全文,文中沒有提到凱特的家裏有幾間房,只是說“This is a room in Kate's house.(這是凱特家裏的一個房間。)”,故“我不知道”,選D項。

7.D 點撥:細節理解題。由句子“There is a big bed,a table,a computer and some chairs in it.”可知。

8.A 點撥:細節理解題。由句子“There's a glass and some books on the table.”可知,桌子上有東西,所以應作肯定回答。故選A項。

9.D 點撥:細節理解題。由句子“Kate is in the room.”和“Her father and mother are in the school.”可知凱特在家裏。故選D項。

10.A 點撥:細節理解題。由文中最後兩句“她的父親和母親在學校裏,他們工作很努力”可知凱特的父母是老師。故選A項。


答案:11.A 點撥:細節理解題。由句子“you can take some things to him:his math book,a baseball,notebooks,CDs and a video cassette.”可知薩莉需要帶5樣東西給他。故選A項。

12.C 點撥:細節理解題。“The math book is on the desk.”可知選C項。

13.D 點撥:細節理解題。由文中句子“you can take some things to him:his math book,a baseball,notebooks,CDs and a video cassette.”可知不需要帶去的東西是the soccer ball。故選D項。

14.B 點撥:細節理解題。由句子“And you can enjoy the CDs together.(你們可以一起聽CDs。)”可知。

15.C 點撥:細節理解題。由句子“The video cassette is behind the computer.”可知。



Please take these things to your 're his keys,his watch and his keys are on the watch is on the hat is on the bed.
