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menstrual是什麼意思 menstrual的用法 menstrual怎麼讀

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英 ['menstrʊəl]美 ['mɛnstruəl]

adj. 月經的;每月的;一月一次的



menstrual是什麼意思 menstrual的用法 menstrual怎麼讀


1. menstru- + -al.
2. => pertaining to menses, of or having monthly courses, the 'monthly' flow of blood from the uterus.


menstrual 月經的




menstrual: [14] Etymologically, menstrual means ‘monthly’. It comes from Latin mēnstruālis, an adjective derived from mēnsis ‘month’ (a close relative of English month). From the same source comes menses [16], originally the plural of Latin mēnsis, and menopause [19] is based on the related Greek word for ‘month’, mén. Their gynaecological application comes, of course, from the ‘monthly’ flow of blood from the uterus.

=> menopause, month

menstrual (adj.)

late 14c., "pertaining to menses," also (in astronomy) "monthly," from Old French menstruel, from Latin menstrualis "monthly," especially "of or having monthly courses," from menstruus "of a month, every month, monthly, pertaining to a month," from mensis "month" (see moon (n.)).


1. The average length of a woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days.


2. Methods: Menstrual changes of 209 infertile women with endometriosis in hospital were analysed.

方法: 對該院209例子宮內膜異位症不孕婦女的月經狀況進行了調查分析.


3. Clinical bleeding may have menstrual period, or contact bleeding.

臨牀上可有月經期出血, 或接觸性出血.


4. On average, a woman's menstrual flow lasts 3 to 4 days.

平均而言, 女性的月經流量持續3到4天.


5. Adjust can menstrual medicine eat together with antiphlogistic medicine?

調節月經的藥能跟消炎藥一起吃 嗎 ?


[ menstrual 造句 ]


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