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全網最酷美語怎麼說:第4期 你真討人喜歡

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Nick: Hi everyone this is nick welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English." 大家好,我是Nick.
Nick:那今天還是請到我們這個特別好的老朋友Brad來跟我們大家一起分享Sweet在今天的場景的用法。那Sweet在中文中可以表達很多意思,比如說最常見的"食物是很甜的"。那大家也都知道還可以表達這個"something is amazing" 有些事非常awesome, cool, 你可以用比如說牛逼、很厲害有些東西可以用Sweet來表達,比如說你看到有人跳舞,這個舞蹈編排的非常好"The dance is pretty sweet, it's dope"待會我們會詳細的解釋去怎麼用,當然了還有一個常見的就是你可以形容一個人非常Sweet,就是說他非常討人喜歡,討人喜愛。You are so sweet, so it describes the personality, right?
Brad: right
Nick: So like what I said before, I texted with a couple of my friends, and they replied me like "you are so sweet", what does that really mean?
Brad: Oh first that's a very a cute compliment to give someone. When you are being called sweet, you are desirable
Nick: Oh really?
Brad: Yeah, I mean, if you are being called sweet, it's definitely high compliment to be given and means they love your personality. You make them happy.
Nick: So am I like delightful? Pleasant?
Brad: Yeah delightful and pleasant would be the words that could be almost replaced to sweet. Sweet is just more common in the English language.
Nick: that's pretty awesome. Do you know Chinese Lantern Festival, which was a couple of days ago?
Brad: Oh yeah of course
Nick: We lit off the firecrackers. They are always awesome. So can I say sweet when I see the firecrackers?
Brad: Yeah. It depends. Uh, in the scenario, since we were discussing it, we would say that the large firecrackers are awesome. Because they make more light, they make more sound. They are much more awesome. But the smaller ones, yeah they are cool. They are not as good as the big ones but they are pretty sweet. That's an example when you would use sweet.
Nick: It's like the small firecrackers, or I can say specifically like the sparklers. They are sweet instead of awesome or cool.
Brad: they are not overwhelming you with the motions of how cool this is.
Nick: they don't blow your mind
Brad: Correct
Nick: awesome, thank you!那Brad剛剛就是說在這個personality這個部分,就是你如果非常討人喜歡,比如說發信息,別人會跟你說You are so sweet,就是這個High compliment非常高的一個評價,說你很討人喜歡,很delightful或者是pleasant.那在另一個場景的用法呢就是說某個東西很厲害,它是比awesome 低一點的級別,就是說它一些大的煙花,就是我們元宵節經常放的煙花,那種特別大的禮炮,飛的非常非常高,那種就可以叫Awesome. 因爲程度是不一樣的,你會覺得非常非常牛逼,非常厲害,非常酷.但是呢如果是那種小一點的,像那種竄天猴,仙女棒這種小小的,非常可愛,非常好看,觀賞性非常強,這種就叫's pretty sweet.你不能說這種東西Awesome因爲它這個level還達不到那種特別大的煙花那種震撼人心的效果,所以說一般這樣的會叫做叫做Sweet. 那同樣的如果你看到一個舞蹈,你覺得觀賞性會很強,你看的很開心,你可以叫做"Oh, the dance is sweet" 這個就是一個Sweet的用法。那最後一個就是剛剛說的食物有糖"The food sweet"這種就不需要多闡述,大家都知道. So this is pretty much for today.

全網最酷美語怎麼說:第4期 你真討人喜歡