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留美老師帶你每日說英文 第539期:拖延症會讓人悶悶不樂

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So the effects of procrastination, they're not contained, they just extend outward forever. And it's this long-term kind of procrastination that's much less visible. It's usually suffered quietly and privately and it can be the source of a huge amount of long-term unhappiness.

留美老師帶你每日說英文 第539期:拖延症會讓人悶悶不樂


ct 結果、效應
effect (n.) 結果、效應
affect (v.) 影響
affection (n.) 愛意

rastination 延遲
procrastination (n.) 延遲
procrastinate (v.) 耽擱、拖延

ain 包含
contain (v.) 包含
container (n.) 容器
contaminate (v.) 污染、毒害

nd 延伸、擴大
extend (v.) 延伸、擴大
extension (n.) 伸展
expand (v.) 擴張
expansion (n.) 擴張

ble 可看見的
visible (adj.) 可看見的
invisible (adj.) 看不見的
visibility (n.) 能見度

t 安靜的
quiet (adj.) 安靜的
quite (adv.) 完全、徹底
quit (v.) 退出

ate 私人的
private (adj.) 私人的
privacy (n.) 隱私