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1. The number of new billionaires in China has doubled. Robin Li, the CEO of search engine Baidu, is one of China's richest men - with more than $9 billion.


【解說】今天的句子選自VOA《福布斯富豪榜反映全球經濟變化》billionaire n. 億萬富翁,billion n. 十億;大量,2. The earthquake that shook Japan with historic strength on Friday created a tsunami wave ten meters high.

【解說】今天的句子選自VOAearthquake n. 地震;大動盪;tsunami n. 海嘯;日本地震牽動百萬滬友的心,如果你也想給遠方的朋友送去一點溫暖,點擊加入我們吧!>>一個人的能力很有限,但是如果將所有人的付出凝聚起來,那將是一股無比強大的力量。這就是公益事業存在的價值。恆星公益正開始起步,希望讓所有熱愛學習的人獲得受教育的機會!3. Van Gogh’s use of strong bright colors to convey mood and emotion marks a major milestone in art history.

【解說】今天的句子選自【科學60秒】系列,Van Gogh n. 梵高(荷蘭畫家) 介個大家應該都很熟悉,convey mood and emotion 表達情感,milestone 里程碑 marks a major milestone,這2個表達都挺常見的,大家記住了咩。4. She also found that multilingualism may help protect against age-related mental decline, such as Alzheimers and dementia.

【解說】今天的句子選自【科學60秒】系列,某vi很偏愛這個系列哇,multilingualism n. 對多種語言的使用(或熟悉),Alzheimer n. 老年癡呆症,dementia n. 癡呆,這幾個詞都比較生僻,8過重點是!多多掌握外語好處真多。5. Guys! I’m only joking – good on her, really!

【解說】今天的句子很簡單吧~大家注意語音語調 I’m only joking. 這句話真的很常用哦。6. Because I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.

【解說】這句話多好啊~來大家一起大聲說!doggone interj. [God damn的委婉語]他媽的!該死!去你的![用於表示憤怒、激怒、生氣、驚訝、快樂、高興等]7. According to the Confederation of British Industry Chinese is now second only to French in terms of language skills desired by UK employers.

【解說】歐美和亞洲國家,興起中文熱,看來英國也不例外!V5~!感謝偶們的母語是中文~哈哈Confederation of British Industry 英國工業聯合會,second to 次於;僅次於…的,in terms of 在…方面,就…來說;關於…