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蹩腳口語:let's go

地道口語:let's get cracking


曾經是雌雄大盜的狐狸先生和狐狸太太如今金盆洗手,過着平凡人(動物)的生活。這是他們平凡一天的開始,妻子張羅着早餐,丈夫想着工作, 孩子鬧彆扭……

- Does anybody actually read my column? Do your friends talk about it?
- Of course. In fact, Rabbit's ex-girlfriend said to me, "I should read Foxy's column." But they don't get the Gazette. Ash! Let's get cracking.
- Why would they? It's a rag sheet.
- I'm sick.
- You're not.
- I have a temperature.
- You don't.
- I don't want to go.
- Hurry up. You'll be late.
- I love the way you handled that.
- 到底有沒有人讀我的專欄來着?你朋友有說起過麼?
- 當然啦。其實兔子前女友就有跟我說:“我應該去讀讀狐狸的專欄。”不過他們沒訂Gazette。阿什!我們開飯了。
- 他們幹嘛沒事兒訂那玩意兒啊,純粹是破布片兒。
- 我病了。
- 你沒病。
- 我發燒了。
- 你沒燒。
- 我不想去。
- 快點,要遲到了。
- 你這麼處理孩子很不錯。

【口語講解】get cracking
get cracking也能說成是get a move on或者hurry up,催促他人趕快做某事的一種說法啦。可以是趕快動身,也可以是趕快吃飯。