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365天英語口語大全 職場口語

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英語口語在職場中的地位越來越重了,小編在此爲大家分享365天英語職場口語大全,祝大家的職業生涯越來越好。  365天英語口語大全-職場口語如下:  這棟大樓失火了。你們必須立刻疏散。  There's a fire in this building. You must evacuate immediately.  恐怖分子可能會襲擊這裏。  Terrorists may attack here.  不要驚慌1  Don't panic!  不要使用電梯!  Don't take elevators.  不要拿你的個人財物了。  Don't take your personal belongings.  馬上離開這棟大樓!  Get out of the building now!  警察會來護送你出去。  Police will come to escort you out.  待在原地不要動。我們會來幫你!  Stay where you are. We'll come rescue you!  跟我來。  Follow me.  不要動!  Don't move!  安靜!  Be quiet!  請待在警戒線的另一邊。  Stay on the other side of the police line.  這棟大樓很危險,請不要接近。  This building is dangerous. Don't approach it.  離那裏遠點兒!  Stay away from there!  365天英語口語大全職場口語篇:調查外國人身份  我來這兒是對住在北京的外籍人士進行一年一度的人口調查的。  I'm here to conduct the annual census of foreigners living in Beijing.  能不能給我看看您的身份證件?  May I see your identification?  請出示您的護照和居留許可證。  Please show me your passport and Residence Permit.  您是持哪一種簽證入境中國的?  What kind of visa did you enter China with?  您在哪所學校上學?  Which school are you studying at?  請問您從事什麼職業?  May I know your occupation?  您的出生日期是什麼時候?  What's your date of birth?  請問您的全名叫什麼?  May I have your full name?  您在這裏的住址是什麼?  What is your local address?  您在這裏住多久了?  How long have you been living here?  逮捕嫌疑犯  警察!我們有搜查證。  Police!We have a search warrant!  不許動!  Freeze!  不許動,否則我要開槍了!  Freeze or I'll shoot!  跪下。  Get down on your knees!  放下武器!  Drop your weapon!  我要把你帶回警局。  I'm taking you in.  把你的雙手從口袋裏慢慢地抽出來!  Take your hands out of your pockets slowly!  把手放在頭上!  Put your hands on your head!  把手舉過頭頂!  Put your hands over your head!  你被捕了!  You're under arrest.  不要拒捕!  Do not resist arrest!  調查審詢  您能詳細地告訴我案發的經過嗎?  Can you tell me what happened in detail?  這起事件是何時發生的?  What time did this incident occur?  盜竊案發生時,你在家嗎?  Were you in the house when the burglary occurred?  你能描述一下嫌疑犯的長相嗎?  Can you describe what the suspect looks like?  你認識襲擊你的人嗎?  Do you know the person who attacked you?  嫌疑犯持有武器嗎?  Was the suspect armed with a weapon?  是什麼引起嫌疑犯攻擊你的?  What provoked the suspect to assault you?  你曾試圖自衛嗎?  Did you attempt to defend yourself?  你最後一次看到他是在什麼時候?  When was the last time you saw him?  我將問你一些非常直接而且敏感的問題。  I'm going to ask you some questions that are vey explicit and sensitive.  你可知道毆打可能會使他受傷?  Did you know you might injure him by beating him?  你和受害者起過爭執嗎?  Did you ague with the victim?  你是否用武器威脅 過受害者?  Did you threaten the victim with your weapon?  你所說的一切都將用來作爲呈堂證供。  Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.  ?: