
首頁 > 口語英語 > 實用生活英語口語 > 美語訓練班第31課:怎麼說"團購"和"坐立不安"?


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B:我是 Kat!楊琳,快說說今天教什麼!


B:團購?I like it!


Learn A Word #1377 dry up

今天我們要學的詞是 dry up. Dry is spelled d-r-y,dry; and up, u-p, up; dry up. Dry up, 意思是耗盡,用光。今年年初開始的阿拉伯革命目前的焦點集中在敘利亞,隨着西方國家的制裁,As cash starts to dry up, more Syrians see that the current regime is not sustainable. 隨着政府資金被耗盡,越來越多的敘利亞人意識到目前的政權難以爲繼。維基解祕網站由於資金不足,暫時停止了發佈解密文件。Wikileaks ended its publication of leaked documents after funds dried up. 加拿大中央銀行行長最近表示,Global liquidity is about to dry up again, and the real economy will soon feel the impact. 全球資產將再次耗盡,經濟體將很快受到影響。好的,今天我們學習的詞是dry up, dry up, dry up.

A:dry up, 耗盡。剛纔節目中說的都是資金用光,我可不可以用dry up形容一個人靈感枯竭,沒主意了呢?

B:Of course! For example, you can say the author's inspiration dried up after his first novel.


B:That's right!

A:寫東西可不容易,我以前也一時興起想寫小說,可寫着寫着就寫不下去了,My ideas dried up! That was so frustrating! 我只好放棄了當作家的夢。

B:You shouldn't have! You probably just ran into writer's block. It'll go away if you don't give up.

A:Writer's block? 哦,就是寫作是遇到的瓶頸吧!嗯,看來我今天回家要把我的大作重新整理一下,沒準能有新靈感!

B:Good luck! I'd like to be your first reader!

A:That's really nice of you, Kat! 好了,咱們繼續聽節目吧!Let's listen to Popular American.

Popular American 387 dressed to kill, ants in the pants

各位聽衆,現在播送《流行美語》。今天 Larry 和李華要去參加暑期實習工作的面試,兩個人都很緊張。李華會學到兩個常用語:dressed to kill 和 ants in your pants。

LH:Larry! 你來啦! 坐這吧, 我留了位子給你。

LL:Thank you Li Hua. 're really dressed to kill today.

LH:Dressed to kill...我看起來很像殺人犯嗎?

LL:No! Absolutely not. Dressed to kill means you're so well dressed that people will be unable to take their eyes off you.

LH:喔. 你是說我打扮的很搶眼嗎? 呵呵, 謝謝啦~ Your dress kills too!

LL: generally don't say a person's dress kills. You have to say a person is dressed to kill. This means the way they have dressed is bound to kill people because it is so eye catching.

LH:喔, 我懂了,應該說一個人 is dressed to kill. 因爲穿得太搶眼了,看到的人都會吃驚得昏過去,就好像是這個人把他們殺死了一樣,是這樣嗎?

LL:You can put it that way! How about we practice a bit? How would you say I am well dressed?

LH:Larry, you are dressed to kill!

LL:Thank you. That's how you use the phrase. So are you Li Hua!

LH:可是我好緊張喔…… 你看,我腳都在抖呢!

LL:Wow. You're right. It's like you have ants in your pants!


LL:To have ants in your pants means you're really nervous and anxious, unable to sit still.

LH:To have ants in your pants 是指一個人很緊張,坐立難安,就好像有螞蟻在褲子裏爬來爬去的。啊……我的確是這樣……Larry, how come you don't have ants in your pants? 難道你不緊張嗎?

LL:Haha. It's okay to say someone has ants in their pants, but it's a bit awkward to say someone doesn't.

LH:你說, to have ants in your pants 不適合反過來說? 所以不能說 you don't have ants in your pants. 不過 Larry, 你看起來一點也不緊張耶,you look so cool and collected.

LL:That's because I'm dressed to kill. So I don't have to worry about first impressions. And I also spent three hours practicing the interview yesterday. I'm pretty sure I got this.

LH:哇, 你昨天練習了三個小時啊?? 我都沒練習,怎麼辦??

LL:It's okay. You are also dressed to kill today! Just Remember to smile and sound as professional and as natural as possible.

LH:你要我保持微笑, 然後說話自然,表現出專業水準嗎? 好,那我試試。Larry, 問我一個問題吧!

LL:Can you give me an example of an American slang and make a sentence with it?

LH:Sure. I will talk about "ants in your pants". Umm umm...I'm so nervous that I get ants in my pants! 我不行了,Larry.

LL:Haha, relax Li Hua. You actually made a correct sentence!

LH:咦, 我造句造對了嗎? 好險……

LL:Do you feel a little more confident now?


LL:See? You shouldn't worry too much. That's the only thing that's stopping you from doing well.


LL:Okay, Li Hua. Can you explain what it means when a person is dressed to kill?

LH:When a person is dressed to kill, it means that person has dressed up in such a fashionable or professional way that he or she attracts everyone's attention.

LL:Very good! That's a good definition too. I think you got this, Li Hua!


LH:啊, 輪到我了!

LL:Good luck, Li Hua!

各位聽衆,今天李華從 Larry 那兒學到兩個常用語,一個是 dressed to kill, 表示“打扮得十分搶眼”;另一個是 ants in your pants, 代表“坐立難安”。這次《流行美語》播送完了,謝謝收聽,下次節目再見。

A:我最喜歡去面試了,Although I always have ants in my pants before the interview!

B:So why do you like going to interviews?

A:因爲去面試就要dressed to kill,這樣就有藉口給自己買新衣服啦!

B:Haha. That's very convincing! But buying clothes can easily dry up your money!

A:是啊,所以咱們得 look for deals!



How to say it 49:Group buying

Kat 在北京學漢語,她的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎麼說的詞,就會來請教她。今天是吳瓊要問的:團購。

WQ:KAT, 我這裏有一些螃蟹和大蝦,你想要麼?

KAT:Of course! I love sea food!

WQ:去我家拿吧! 全給你,不要錢!

KAT:ong, that's really nice of you! Are you sure you don't want them?

WQ:你不知道,這些都是我團購買來的,太多了,吃不了! 我還有餐券,電影票,健身卡,都是團購來的,好多都快到期了,我又沒時間去。對了,“團購”在美語裏怎麼說呢?

KAT:It's called "group buying." It is a very popular marketing gimmick now. A lot of my friends back in the U.S. are just as obsessed with group buying as you are!

WQ:呵呵,我的確是個“團購控”! 不過你剛纔說 Group buying is a marketing gimmick, 什麼是gimmick?

KAT:Gimmick, g-i-m-m-i-c-k, gimmick, 是花招,噱頭。I call group buying a gimmick because it's used by retailers to attract more people to buy products of mediocre quality and popularity.

WQ:你說得有道理。團購是個促銷的花招,一般推出團購的都是小店,新店,團購的東西也不是什麼名牌搶手貨。I don't think I can ever get a discount on LV purses through group buying.

KAT:That's right. In that sense, group buying is just another form of price war.

WQ:Price war? 價格戰?

KAT:對。People use group buying because they want the discount. They want to buy things at a lower price.


KAT:Haha, that's exactly how you became a group buying maniac! 好了,說說你今天都學了什麼吧!

WQ:第一:團購是group buying


第三:價格戰是price war.

B:Yeah! Let the price war begin! Let the market be flooded with deals!


B:Remember the great deal we got on this year's Black Friday?

A:Of course! Two sweaters for 5 dollars! 五塊錢兩件毛衣!

B:Yeah! 太值啊!

A:不過 Kat, 那個團購有那麼多人蔘加,不會過幾天咱們走在路上,看到周圍的人都穿着和咱們一樣的毛衣吧?那不成工作服了麼!

B:Ah Oh, I never thought about that!


B:哈哈!Why not? We can be twins!


GoEnglish:Play Date: Beginner



Professor:That's right, Winnie. Some parents like to take their children to the park so they can meet other parents and talk. When you have kids, you don't have time to go to parties anymore.


Hannah:Hello, I'm Hannah. Are you the mother of one of the kids here?

Stephanie:Hello, I'm Stephanie. Yes, my son Charlie is playing soccer over there.

Hannah:Is he the tall, thin boy wearing the blue shirt?

Stephanie:That's right. Which child is yours?

Professor:Winnie, what is Stephanie's son doing?


Professor:Yes, and what does he look like?


Professor:Right. Now let's find out who Hannah's child is.

Hannah:My daughter Amber is the child wearing the red shirt over there by the swings.

Stephanie:Oh yes, I see her. She looks very nice! Maybe we should get them together for a play date and they can be friends.

Hannah:Great idea! I want to go to a movie tomorrow night with my husband, so I'll drop Amber off at your house.

Stephanie:Well ... OK. But usually both parents take care of the children on a play date.

Hannah:You take care of them tomorrow night, and I'll take care of them another time.

Professor:So Winnie, why does Stephanie want to set up a play date?

MC:play date 就是家長定個時間,把孩子帶到一起玩兒。Stephanie 看來是個好媽媽,她想讓孩子多交朋友,所以提議給Charlie和Amber定個play date.

Professor:That's right. But does Hannah have a different reason for setting up a play date?

MC:Hannah馬上表示,願意讓兩個孩子去 play date,可她目的不純,爲的是把女兒扔給 Stephanie 照看,自己好去跟老公看電影!

Hannah:So Stephanie, what will the children do at your house?

Stephanie:They can play together and have fun. Charlie likes to watch TV.

Hannah:Oh no! Amber likes to read. Can you read a book to her?

Stephanie:Uh ... I think on a play date, the kids should play and have fun.

Hannah:Well alright. I'll drop Amber off at your house at 8pm.


Professor:Yes, but what does Stephanie say?

MC:Stephanie 說,在play date的時候,孩子們應該一起玩兒,而不要各玩兒各的。

Stephanie:Well I know Charlie will have fun playing with Amber.

Hannah:Yes, I'm sure they will. Hey look! They're playing soccer together. Isn't that great?

Stephanie:Yes it , oh my gosh! Amber just hit Charlie!

Hannah:I'm sure it was just an accident.

Stephanie:Oh no! She just stole his soccer ball and is running away! Forget about the play date! Keep your mean kid away from Charlie!

MC:真是有其母必有其女,原來Amber 和她媽媽一樣霸道,居然打Charlie,還搶走了人家的足球。

Professor:And what did Hannah say?

MC:Hannah 狡辯,說是孩子不小心,誰知 Stephanie 根本不買她的賬。Professor Bowman, 你看,有孩子多麻煩,不知道什麼時候就會給家長惹事。

Professor:Well, if you are a good parent your kids won't misbehave, right?

MC:Kids are kids, professor.

言歸正傳,這下子,play date告吹了。Hannah要想看電影,只好僱個臨時保姆來看孩子了。Amber 可不是個聽話的乖孩子,照顧她真要格外小心。

Professor:Well listen next time to learn about hiring a babysitter.

MC:Like daughter like mother! 有其母必有其女!這母女倆都夠可以的!

Professor:Yeah. I don't think this play date is going to happen.


B:That's right. And if that's the case, Hannah's plan of dumping her daughter on other people so that she can go to the movies will not work.


B:Oh, No! Children in the movie theater means disaster!


Business Etiquette:禮節美語——BE-219 Internet Security I

Dylan早上見到同事Cory和Brenda, 告訴他們公司出事了。

Dylan:Hey, you hear about the break-in?

Cory:No! Burglars broke in? Did they steal anything valuable?

D:Actually, they might have gotten quite a bit of valuable information. But it wasn't thieves, it was online hackers.

C:Ah, so somebody broke into our computer system! Oh, good morning, Brenda. Did you hear the news? There was a cyber attack!

B:Oh my! But I thought we had very strong Internet firewalls.

D:We do, but all it takes is one mistake and hackers can come pouring in like an invading army.

Dylan問同事Cory聽沒聽說公司有人非法闖入break-in, 不過不是真的有人夜盜,而是 online hackers 網上的駭客。The hackers broke into our computer system. 駭客進入了公司的電腦系統,這也可以被稱爲 cyber attack. 儘管公司安裝了 Internet firewalls 互聯網防火牆,但是稍一疏忽大意,還是被駭客鑽了空子。

B:Does the I.T. department have any idea how this happened?

D:It looks like the hackers got in from an unsecure corporate e-mail account.

C:And then they loaded up a virus?

D:Not a virus, but they put spyware or malware into our system.

C:I've heard of spyware but what's malware?

B:Malware is short for "malicious software." Malware is any kind of software that is specially designed to infiltrate a computer system.

C:So spyware is a kind of malware.

公司電腦技術部門的調查顯示,這次襲擊是通過一個 unsecure e-mail account 沒加保密措施的電子郵箱偷偷安裝的 spyware 或 malware. malware是 malicious software兩個字連在一起產生的,spyware間諜軟件是malware惡意軟件的一種,都是破壞電腦安全的軟件,目的是滲透進入電腦系統,infiltrate is spelled i-n-f-i-l-t-r-a-t-e, infiltrate, infiltrate 意思是滲透 。

B:Sometimes the malware follows each keystroke you make, and then sends the information back to the hacker.

D:Or, sometimes they install a program called a Trojan horse that steals data.

C:Do you think this cyber attack was instigated by one of our competitors?

D:I don't want to point fingers, but it certainly could be. If a Trojan horse got into our mainframe it could download a lot of sensitive info about our company's upcoming product launches.

B:Many companies do spy on each of course, it's illegal.

特洛伊木馬程序 Trojan horse 也是駭客常用的一種程序,目的是盜取電腦系統裏的數據。Brenda說,現在很多公司都 spy on each other 彼此展開電子間諜行動,那這次的駭客入侵是不是他們公司競爭對手乾的呢?Dylan說,I don't want to point fingers. 我不想指責誰,to point fingers at someone 是一種很形象的說法,意思是指責某人做某事,但是如果駭客真在他們公司的電腦系統裏安裝了特洛伊木馬程序的話,就可能盜取很多 sensitive information 敏感的信息。

B:Using mal ware to sabotage your competitors. 夠狠!

A:Yeah! Cyber break-in is even worse than a physical break-in. 如果網絡系統被別人攻破,那麼重要情報就危險了,這比破門而入的強盜更可怕呢!

B:The worst part is you don't see the hacker. He can be anyone with a computer, sitting in a dark corner and infiltrating your network.

A:真恐怖,怪不得現在大公司都花重金鞏固自己的Internet security, 網絡安全。

B:好了,As long as my email accounts don't get hacked, I'm not going to worry too much about firewall and Trojan Horse.


American sports English 44 basketball

P:Ok, I'm warmed up and ready. Are you ready to lose at another sport to me, Yang Chen?

Y:I'm totally ready.

P:To lose?

Y:Not to lose.

P:Well, be prepared to get schooled.

Y:School? 我早就畢業了。I am smart, and educated.

P:Well, you may be educated, but getting schooled or to get schooled, means to get embarrassed by someone who has superior skill compared to you in head-to-head competition. You can get schooled or you can school someone. So get ready to get schooled, Yang Chen.

Y:Come on, Patrick. 我今天要給你點兒顏色看看。

P:Don't believe me? Well, you have been on a losing streak lately. I beat you in every game we've played so far.

Y:什麼是losing streak?

P:Losing streak means someone or a team has lost a number of consecutive games without a single win.


P:Of course! If you're a lawyer, and you lost three cases in a row, you're on a losing streak!

Y:How about dating, 我記得你連續被三個女孩兒拒絕,那我可不可以說: you're on a losing streak?

P:Hey! It's not three. It's...

Y:Oh, my apology, it's not three, it's five, 你被五個女孩兒拒絕,hahaha!

P:Ok, Yang Chen. This is motivating me to end my losing streak and find a girl friend!

Music sneaking in

A:losing streak? 誒呀,我又想到我那三次拿起又三次放下的小說了。

B:Don't forget what we said earlier——have faith in yourself! You'll get out of that writer's block!


B:Yeah! Mention me in your memoir!

