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2020年7月英語四級翻譯模擬真題: 漢字

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2020年7月英語四級翻譯模擬真題: 漢字

2020年7月英語四級翻譯模擬真題: 漢字

漢字有成千上萬個,儘管其中的大多數差別很細微,且只在歷史文獻中出現過。研究表明,日常使用的漢字大概有三至四千個。大多數早期漢字是象形字(pictographs),用簡單的圖畫來代表字,但現代漢字中象形文字已經很少了。許多現代漢字是兩個或兩個以上簡單文字的組合。漢字也可以因爲其線條和點的排列組合方式被看成是一門抽象藝術(abstract art)。


There are tens of thousands of Chinese characters, though Most of them are only slightly different from each other and only seen in historical documents. Studies show that normally three to four thousand characters are used on a daily basis. Most of earlier Chinese characters were pictographs—simple pictures used to mean words, but few modern Chinese characters are pictographs. Many modern Chinese characters are a combination of two or more simple characters. Chinese characters may also be considered to be an abstract art because of how the characters are made up of lines and points.
