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The Beijing Olympics were accompanied by a huge infrastructure and property building spree that was supposed to set China's capital up for years to come. The city has faced repeated accusations of building too much, too fast, and overestimating the real level of demand - not to mention urban planning buffs' complaints that Beijing's vast roads and fragmented sprawl ignore the profession's best prescriptions for efficient development.

Five years on, with barely a pause in its breakneck growth, the capital appears to have run out of office space.

With the city's existing office space more or less full up, Beijing has 'no option' but to build out further out in the suburbs, according to Marcos Chan, head of North China research at Jones Lang LaSalle, a real estate services firm.
房地產服務公司仲量聯行(Jones Lang Lasalle)華北區研究部主管陳錦平(Marcos Chan)說,隨着現有寫字樓或多或少都租滿了,北京沒有其他選擇,只能向郊區擴建。


At just 4.4%, he thinks the city's office vacancy rates are below the 'natural rate' needed to allow the market to churn - like the vital empty slot in a sliding block puzzle. 'It's basically fully occupied,' said Mr. Chan. 'If you want to expand your business in Beijing, there is simply not much space available.'

That has made Beijing offices the country's most expensive for tenants, with top-grade rents almost doubling between 2008 and 2012. Shanghai office rents grew by less than 10% in the same period, according to JLL's figures.

The government has grand plans for a new financial district at Lize in southwestern Beijing to ease the shortage. The planned cluster of banks, insurers and private equity firms will make up the capital's third financial zone. In the 1990s, when the authorities dreamed up Finance Street on the west side of town, the new center was supposed to take pressure off the capital's traditional business district in the east. Finance Street didn't take long to fill up - vacancy rates there are as low as 2%, Mr. Chan said.

Beijing's government also has a vision for the satellite towns surrounding the capital. A new airport is planned for Daxing, south of the city - Beijing Capital International Airport, the world's second-busiest by passenger numbers, said in its latest annual report it was reaching saturation point. And unglamorous suburbs like Fangshan and Tongzhou will be designated as 'hubs' for specific industries, like petrochemicals and 'cultural industries,' respectively.
北京市政府也對北京周邊的衛星城有所規劃。南部的大興擬建一座新機場,北京首都國際機場(Beijing Capital International Airport)已在最近的年報中表示,即將達到飽和點。按乘客數量計,該機場是全球第二繁忙的機場。房山和通州等不太繁榮的郊區將被定爲特定行業的中心,比如房山和通州將分別被規劃爲石油化工和“文化產業”中心。

China is in the midst of an orgy of building, with 5.7 billion square meters of office space under construction, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. Far away from the capital, smaller cities like Zhengzhou, Changsha and Nanchang are building whole new commercial districts.

Lize is currently a vast construction site, where new skyscrapers rise above the overgrown remains of the three-story apartment houses that once covered the site. In Shuitouzhuang, a half-demolished compound that was once home to 400 residents, only one family remains. Answering the door, Ms. Li said she and her family were still discussing compensation with the city government. Though visibly saddened by the loss of her neighborhood, Ms. Li said the authorities had been reasonable.

'I have faith that the government will resolve this question,' she said. 'I'll accept their decision on compensation. Whatever they decide, I won't ask for one fen more.'

Sixty-year-old Mrs. Li has lived at Shuitouzhuang for 20 years - ever since her last home, a single story house near Beijing South railway station, was bulldozed for redevelopment.

Beijing is not alone in building out forests of gleaming new office blocks in the middle of nowhere. London did the same when it designated the industrial wasteland around Canary Wharf as a financial hub back in the 1980s. What was ridiculed at the time as a quixotic venture is now one of the world's key financial centers. The development succeeded on its own terms, even if locals complain that it is miles from anything and has all the soul of a car showroom.
北京並不是唯一一個在偏遠郊區興建閃閃發光的新寫字樓森林的城市。倫敦也曾在上世紀80年代將金絲雀碼頭(Canary Wharf)附近的工業廢棄地規劃爲一個金融中心。儘管當時被嘲諷爲不切實際的冒險,現在這裏已經成爲全球主要金融中心之一。這一開發項目靠自身努力取得了成功,儘管當地人抱怨這裏離市區太遠,並且設計理念完全類似於汽車展廳。

But China already has a major international financial center at Shanghai, and a secondary stock exchange in the southern city of Shenzhen. Seventy miles south-east of Beijing, Tianjin has ambitions to turn itself into a banking center. If China's troubled financial system really hits the rocks some of those offices are going to be empty a very long time.