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Zhongwei, China, Zhongwei Welcome, 1980
"'We were overwhelmed,' says author Rick Gore, when thousands turned out in Zhongwei to greet the first American visitors in at least thirty years. A sign reads 'Proletarians of the world unite,' but ideology is no longer a barrier to curiosity."

—From "Journey to China's Far West," March 1980, National Geographic magazine


當中衛成千上萬的人出來歡迎30多年裏的第一批美國客人時,作家裏克· 格爾說:“我們感到非常震驚。”牆上的標語寫着“全世界無產者聯合起來”,但是意識形態不再是好奇心的障礙。

作者: Bruce Dale 來源:《國家地理》雜誌
