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政府的益處 Benefit of Government

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When asked about profits of government, theoverwhelming majority of people insist on the anarchism. They believe that thegovernment is a stumbling block to economic prosperity. For example, thegovernment was treated as a night-watchman in Edam Smith's great work "TheWealth of Nation".

政府的益處 Benefit of Government


To the contrary, I am firmly under the belief thatgovernment is standing in front of the people to avoid any pain, just like asoldier from beginning to then end. There are countless profits of him. What isthe most important is that he is a national image and symbol, and I am proud ofour government. Moreover he is a defender of the people. Whatmakes me the most touched of his profits is the Wenchuan Earthquake. Datingback to 2008, the Wenchuan Earthquake shocked the whole world. But ourgovernment had never flinched. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao rushed to thedisaster area, guiding disaster relief work. Premier Wen Jiabao, aseventy-year-old man, does anything personally all the time. Everyone should admirehis determination of overcoming all difficulties. Last but not least, it alsoshows that, with the principle of serving the people wholeheartedly, he is atrustworthy friend compared with the western ones.

相反,我堅信政府就像士兵一樣從始至終站在人民前面阻擋一切痛苦。政府的好處不計其數。最重要的是它是國家的形象和象徵,我爲我們的政府感到自豪。此外,它還是人民的防衛者。最讓我 感動的汶川地震。回溯到2008那一年,汶川地震震驚了整個世界,但我們的政府從來沒有退縮。中國總理溫家寶趕赴災區,指導救災工作。溫家寶總理,一個70歲的男人,沒有一點個人時間。每個人都應該欽佩他克服所有困難的決心。最後但也同樣重要的一點是,它表明了與西方相比,在全心全意爲人民服務的原則下他是一個值得信賴的朋友。

I am proud of our government.



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