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美國習慣用語 第49期:to stand on one's own two feet

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美國習慣用語-第49講:to stand on one's own two feet

to throw oneself at someone's feet

美國習慣用語-第49期:to stand on one's own two feet

在美國的成語和俗語中,有不少是圍繞着“腳”這個字構成的,“腳”這個字在英文裏就是 foot ,多數就是 feet。在美國的成語和俗語中,以 foot 或 feet 這個字為主的俗語為數還不少,它們的意思也各不相同。

今天我們要給大家再介紹兩個由 foot 或者 feet 這個字組成的俗語。第一個是:to stand on one's own two feet。 To stand on one's own two feet 的意思恐怕不難猜到。一個人如果能站穩腳跟的話,他就一定能獨立自主,靠自己的力量來辦事。我們下面要舉的一個例子是一位父親擔心他的兒子吸毒或酗酒,所以在勸告他的兒子:

例句-1: "Son, somebody may try to get you to smoke marijuana or drink, just to fit in with the crowd. But I hope you can stand on your own two feet and say no."



例句-2: "Bill Brown has managed to stay in Congress now for twenty years. The voters don't always agree with him but they really like the way he stands on his own feet and makes his own decisions on which way to vote, regardless of pressures from all the lobbyists."


今天我們要講的第二個習慣用語是: to throw oneself at someone's feet。 To throw oneself at someone's feet 這個俗語可以解釋為:公開對某人表示愛慕。比如説,一個男子在幻想自己未來的婚事,他對他的朋友説:

例句-3: "I'm still looking for the right girl to marry. And when I find her, I'll throw myself at her feet and ask her to spend the rest of her life with me."


To throw oneself at someone's feet 還可以解釋為:為了得到一些好處而溜鬚拍馬,或拜倒在某人腳下。下面的例子是説一個被判了罪的犯人:

例句-4: "The prisoner who has been convicted as a traitor threw himself at the feet of the judge and beg for mercy."


我們現在來複習一下今天講的兩個以 foot 或 feet 這個字為主的習慣用語。第一個是: to stand on one's own two feet,這是指一個人很獨立自主,不依賴別人。今天我們講的第二個習慣用語是: to throw oneself at someone's feet,這個俗語的意思是為了表達對某人的愛慕之情或為了得到一些好處而拜倒在某人的腳下。