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第2天 Convenience Store

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1. clerk 店員;
拓展:shop assistant

register 收銀機;
拓展:cashier 收銀員

3. microwave 微波爐;
4. receipt 收據;
5. cigarette 香菸;
6. juice 果汁;
7. plastic bag 塑料袋;
8. sandwich 三明治;
9. tea egg 茶葉蛋;

第2天 Convenience Store

10. lottery ticket 彩票
11. phone card 手機卡;
12. steamed bun 包子;

13. electric rice cooker 電飯鍋;
14. customer 顧客;
15. comic book 漫畫書;
拓展:newspaper報紙;magazine 雜誌;

16. battery 電池;

17. lighter 打火機;
18. potato chips 薯片;
【英】crisps 薯片;chips 薯條;

19. instant noodles 方便麪;
20. candy bar 巧克力棒;
【美】candy 【英】sweets 糖;


第2天 Convenience Store 第2張

1. Please heat this up for me.請幫我加熱。

2. Where are the cups for the soda? 哪裏有裝汽水的杯子?

3. May I have a plastic bag, please? 請給我一個塑料袋好嗎?

4. How much is it altogether? 這些東西一共多少錢?

5. Here is your change. 這是找您的錢。

6. Do you have any condiments for thehot dogs? 你們有熱狗用的醬嗎?

7. Excuse me. Do you have an ATM? 抱歉。你們這裏有提款機嗎?

8. I'd like to make some copies. 我想複印東西。

9. I'd like to send a fax? 我想發一份傳真。

第2天 Convenience Store 第3張

Son: Mom, I want a candy bar, some gum,and a bag of chips.媽,我想要一根棒棒糖,一些口香糖和一包薯片。

Mother: No, dear. You can only have one snack. 不行,親愛的。你只能買一種零食。

Son: If I get the chips, can I also have a soda? 如果我要薯片的話,可以再買杯汽水嗎?

Mother: You can have a small soda. Go fill up a cup. 你可以買小杯汽水。去裝一杯吧。

Son: Can I pick out the chips? The kind you got last time were gross. 我挑薯片可以嗎?上次纔買的那種很難吃。

第2天 Convenience Store 第4張

Kelly:Can I get this frozen pizza cooked? 可以幫我把冷凍披薩加熱嗎?

Clerk: You can heat it up in the microwave. Just put it in and push number four. 你可以用微波爐加熱。只要把披薩放進去,然後按四號鍵就可以。

Kelly: Thanks. Is there any sugar for the coffee? 謝謝。有泡咖啡用的方糖嗎?

Clerk: It's to the right of the coffee machine. 在咖啡機右邊。


1. a can of something 一罐...
a can of soda/corn/spam(luncheon meat)/ 一罐汽水/玉米/午餐肉;

2. a bottle of something 一瓶...
a bottle of water/juice/beer 一瓶水/果汁/啤酒;

3. a pack/packet of something 一包...
a pack/packet of biscuits/peanuts/cigarettes 一包餅乾/花生/香菸;

4. a bag of something 一袋...
a bag of popcorn/oranges/potato chips 一袋爆米花/橘子/薯片;

In many supermarkets in the UK you will not find plastic bags
This is because plastics bags are bad for the environment
You need to go buy plastic bags by yourself
Or you can buy plastic bags that are multiple use, not one use.


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