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kaka禮節美語:018 Common Kitchen Courtesies

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Come on~
(Office ambience)
M: Hey, Chen Hao, what happened?
C: ---1---! 早上我買了一盒土豆沙拉放在冰箱裏。現在沒了!
M: ---2---?
C:Write your name on the box?是不是自己的飯還不知道呀?
M:外面買的飯,盒子看起來都差不多不少。---3---, 別人拿錯是很有可能的呀!
C:那倒是。不過,發生了今天的事, ---4---.
M:不過這冰箱確實是個大問題。 ---5---.
C:是呀,有兩次我看到有東西都發黴了。---6---. 得了,別說了,真噁心。
I have to find some lunch.
M:See you later.
C:Oh, yes, I did. ---9---. Brian太忙,讓William給他帶個沙拉回來放在冰箱裏。Brian 去冰箱拿沙拉的時候William還沒有回來。他以爲我的沙拉就是William替他買的,所以就吃了。
M:原來如此。 ---10---.
C:Simple kitchen courtesies? 廚房裏還有禮貌呀?
M: ---13---.
C:Thank you, Mary.

kaka禮節美語:018 Common Kitchen Courtesies
Someone ate my lunchGone? Did you have your name on itIf you don't have your name on itI don't think I'll ever forget to put my name on my lunchSometimes people bring their lunch, and later decide to go out to eat and forget about their food in the frig until it starts to smellI just have to throw them outHi, Mary, ready to go home? Can I wAlk with youSure. By the way, did you find out who ate your lunchIt was all a mistakeBut we do need to remind people to observe simple kitchen courtesiesFor example, if you drink the last cup of coffee, you should fix a new pot for othersI have to make a new pot and wait for a long time to get the coffee readyAlso, it's just good manners to clean up after yourself such as wiping off the counter and throwing away the trashNext time, I should pay more attention to itYou also have to remember: keep the refrigerator clean -- put your name on your food and throw away any unwanted food; make a new pot of coffee when you drink the last cup. Throw away the trash, and clean the counter



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