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A: Why are you so chirpy today, you are usually a lot quieter?

B: I heard that my boyfriend was coming to visit me this weekend, so I am very excited.

A: I am sure you will have a great time together.

A: 你今天怎麼這麼高興?你平時很安靜的!

B: 聽說我男朋友這個週末要來看我,所以我很興奮。

A: 你們倆在一起一定會玩得很開心的。


chirpy: 快活的;活潑的。

have a great time: 玩得很開心;度過愉快時光


A: That story about the baby was really heavy. I feel so sorry for the mother.

B: Yes, it was a grave case of bad luck that he got kidnapped. No wonder she was so disconsolate when they tried to speak to her. I wouldn’t want to talk either.

A: Yes, you can see that her life is very gloomy now.

B: It is a miserable world we live in sometimes. Wouldn’t you agree?

A: 那個孩子的故事太沉重了。我真爲孩子的母親感到難過。

B: 沒錯,被綁架是不幸中的不幸。難怪他們同她說話時,她鬱鬱寡歡毫無反應。如果是我,我也不想說話。

A: 是呀,現在你知道她的生活有多麼消沉了吧。

B: 我們生活的這個世界有時很悲慘,不是嗎!


heavy: 心情沉重的;令人沮喪的;令人憂愁的。

grave: 嚴重的,肅穆的;暗淡的。

case: 事例,實例。

bad luck: 倒黴,不幸。

kidnap: 劫持;綁架。

disconsolate: 悶悶不樂的;憂鬱的;鬱鬱寡歡的。

gloomy: 情緒低落的;悲觀的;憂傷的。

miserable: 情緒痛苦的;苦惱的;令人難受的。