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A: Mr. Wang, thank you for coming in today. Please have a seat. I've looked o-ver your resume and wanted to meet you to ask you a few questions.

A:王先生,謝謝你今天來參加面試,請坐。 你的簡歷我已經看過了,今天想當面問 你幾個問題。

B: Thank you for asking me to come in.


A: First, can you tell me a little about yourself?


B: I majored in English Literature in college, and spent a full year in London studying. After graduation, I worked for Swiss Bank for three years, and then went to work for a trading company. I always wanted to work in the business field, so to improve my skills, I’ve taken several night classes in English and business. I’m an enthusiastic and selfmotivated person. I try very hard to be successful in my work. I can work well under pressure and enjoy doing work that challenges me. In my personal life, I really believe in keeping healthy and fit. I exercise three times a week at a fitness center, and I also enjoy swimming and skiing.

B:我在大學的專業是英國文學,並且曾在 倫敦學習過1年。畢業後,我在瑞士銀 行工作了 3年,然後到一家貿易公司工 作。我一直希望從事與商務有關的工 作,因此,爲了提高我的業務能力,我在 夜校學習了一些英語和商務課程。我是 個熱情和自我激勵型的人。爲了在工作 上取得成功,我會拼命努力。我能頂住 壓力,幹好工作,並且樂於接受富有挑戰 性的工作。在我的個人生活中,我崇尚 保持健康。我每週去健身中心鍛鍊3 次,特別喜歡游泳和滑雪。

A: Do you enjoy your work at the trading company?


B: Yes, very much.


A: Then why do you want to leave your company?


B: I do enjoy my job, but I believe I am ready for more challenging work now.

B:儘管我很喜歡我的工作,但我確信自己 已經爲更有挑戰性的工作做好了準備。

A: OK. What are your strong points?


B: Er... as I mentioned, I can work well under pressure and I enjoy work that challenges me. I think that my English ability is also a strong point.

B:嗯……就像我前面提到的,我能幹好有 壓力的工作,並且樂於接受富有挑戰性 的工作。我認爲英語能力強也是我的一 個長處。

A: And your weaknesses?


B:I think I sometimes try to be over-or-ganized. So I am learning how to let some things go and concentrate on the most important parts of my job.

B:我想,我有時做事過於死板。我正在學 會分清輕重緩急,把最重要的工作放在 首位。

A: I see from your resume that you have no experience working at foreign companies. May I ask why you now wish to do so?

A:從你的簡歷上看,你沒有在外國公司工 作的經驗。爲什麼現在希望到外國公司 工作呢?

B: As I said earlier, I really believe I am ready for more challenging work with more responsibility. And I think a foreign company would be more likely to

B:像我前面所說的,我認爲自己已經有能 力勝任更有挑戰性、更重要的工作。我 想外國公司也許能給我這樣的機會。另 外,我認爲自己的日語和英語會話能力在外國公司會很有用。

give me this kind of opporunity. I also think my Japanese and English speaking ability can be very useful to a foreign company.


A: How do you feel about overtime work?

B:沒關係。我知道,每個公司都會有非常 忙的階段。如果遇到這種情況,我會根 據需要盡力加班完成工作。

B: That’s no problem I know that every company has busy periods; when this happens, l’m ready to put in as much time as necessary to get the job done.


A: What is the most important to you in a job?

B:我真誠地希望爲公司作貢獻,所以,我認 爲上司信任我並把重要的工作交給我做 最重要。

B: I want to feel that I am making a real contribution to the company, so I would like my boss to trust me with important work.


A: Why are you interested in our company, in particular?

B:這個嘛,我知道貴公司有在日本及其他 亞洲國家發展的計劃。因此,我認爲目 前貴公司正處於活躍時期,我認爲我也 許能爲貴公司的發展起點兒作用。就像 我剛纔說的那樣,我是個工作激情很高 的人,我想感受到我正在爲公司作貢獻。

B: Well, I know that your company is planning to expand in Japan and the rest of Asia. So I think ifs an exciting time for you and I think I could play a small role in helping you grow. As I said, I’m very self-motivated and want to feel I’m making a contribution to my company.


A: In your current job, what has given you the most satisfaction?

B:嗯……讓我想想看。要說最滿意的,就 是上司能信任我並把重要的任務交給 我。爲了公司的利益,我對每項工作都 投入全部精力。每當任務完成時,我就 有一種強烈的成就感和滿足感。我想, 我會以同樣的精神狀態爲貴公司工作。

B: Hmm... well, let me see. I think I feel most satisfied when I know my boss trusts me with important task. Since I don’t want to let the company down, it makes every part of the task exciting. When everything is completed, I have a strong feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. I know I would feel the same way working for your company.

A:你喜歡獨自工作還是喜歡和別人一起工 作?

A: Do you prefer working by yourself or with others?

B:兩種都喜歡!有時遇到分派的任務需要 集中精力完成,如財務計算一類的工作, 就需要一個人安靜下來。但在其他需要 集體合作才能做好的項目上,我非常願 意和大家一起合作。

B: Both! Sometimes I have an assignment that needs total concentration, like working with financial figures. All times like these, I need to be alone and be quiet. But other projects are best done with group support, and I enjoy working with a team in these situations.


A: What have you learned from some of the jobs you’ve had?

B:像前面提到過的,最初我做事過於死板, 後來在工作中逐漸學會了分清輕重緩 急。同時,我還學會了怎樣與不同個性 的人一起工作。

B: As I mentioned, I think at first I tended to be over organized. I have learned to concentrate and focus on the most important parts of a job and not get too caught up with small matters. I think I’ve also learned how to work smoothly with people who have different personalities.


A: Can you explain?

B:例如,在工作中有時會遇到緊急情況,這 時,人們的脾氣會很急躁,注意力都集中 在最後期限上,這種情況往往會使人發 脾氣,或者說通常不會說的話。我儘量 不讓這種情況影響自己。我只是繼續工 作,因爲我知道這種狀況最終會平息的。

B: Well, I’ve learned that business situations can become quite tense. People get impatient and deadlines are always there. This sometimes causes people to get angry, I don’t let it bother me. I just keep working and I realize things will eventually calm down.

A:王先生,再次感謝你今天能來參加面試, 我們將在兩三天內與你聯繫。

A: Mr. Wang, thank you again for coming in, and we'll be in touch with you in the next few days.


B: Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.


A: Good afternoon, sir.


B: Good afternoon. Sit down, please.


A: Thank you.


B: Are you Mr. Wang Ming? I am Henry Hudson.


A: Yes. Nice to meet you, Mr. Hudson.


B: First of all, tell me about your education, please.


A: All right. I graduated from Beijing University three years ago. I majored in international trade.

A:好的。我3年前畢業於北京大學,我主 修的是國際貿易。

B: Which course did you like best, and which teacher did you respect most? Why?

B:你最喜歡什麼課程?最敬重哪位老師? 爲什麼?

A: I liked international relations best, because it helps me to understand politics and the cultural background of other countries. And I respected my English teacher most, because she was so knowledgeable and patient.

A:我最喜歡國際關係學,因爲它使我能了 解其他國家的政治和文化背景。我最敬 重我的英文老師,因爲她有淵博的學識 和耐心。

B: By the way, would you describe yourself as outgoing or more reserved?

B:順便提一下,你認爲自己的性格是外向 型還是內向型?

A: I’m not really sure maybe partly both. I’d rather cooperate with everybody, and get the job done by working together.

A:我也說不準,也許兩者兼而有之。我喜 歡與每一個人合作,和大家一起做好工 作。

B: Very well. I see you from your resume that you have been working for an import and export company in Guangzhou since your graduation from college. What is your chief responsibility there?

B:很好,我從你的簡歷中得知,自從你大 學畢業以來,你一直在廣州的一家的進 出口公司工作。那麼,你在那家公司的 主要責任是什麼?

A: I am responsible for exporting light industrial machinery to some Asian and European countries.

A:我負責向一些亞洲和歐洲國家出口輕工 業機械產品。

B: Have you traveled a lot in your work?


A: Yes. I have traveled dozens of times a-broad. I have been to such countries as Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Indonesia, France, Denmark, Italy, Germany and England to do business. I rarely travel in Japan now because of the nuclear radiation.

A:是的。我已經去國外出差過幾十次了。 我去過泰國、新加坡、日本、印度尼西亞、 法國、丹麥、意大利、德國和英國等國家 做生意。因爲核輻射的問題,我現在很 少去日本了。

B: Yes. so do I. Are you single or married?


A: I’m still single. I’d rather secure my career before I settle down in a family.


B: That’s the kind of man we are looking for. Our promotion work entails much travel. So we need employees without family burdens yet. Now tell me If you have a good command of both written and spoken English?

B:我們要的就是這種人。我們的推銷工作 需要經常出差,因此,我們需要的就是還 沒有家庭負擔的職員。現在請你告訴我 你在英語的寫與說兩方面是否都在行?

A: When I was at college, I passed Band Six of College English Test. All the foreign businessmen I’ve dealt with said my English is quite good.

A:我讀大學時通過了大學英語六級考試。 同我打過交道的所有外國商人都說我的 英語相當好。

B: Why are you interested in this company?


A: A friend of mine works here, and he told me about your company, so I became interested. I think working in this company would provide me with a good opportunity to use my knowledge.

A:我的一個朋友在這裏工作,他把貴公司 的情況向我作過介紹,所以我就產生了 興趣。我想在貴公司工作可以給我提供 發揮自己才幹的好機會。

B: What do you know about this company?


A: This company is one of the biggest trading companies in the world. There are a lot of branches in all parts of the world with the head office in the U. S.. A.. Guangzhou Office was established four years ago. It deals in business machines.

A:貴公司是世界上最大的貿易公司之一, 在世界各地有很多分公司,總公司在美 國。廣州辦事處是在4年前成立的,經 營的是商業機器產品。

B: Have you applied to any other foreign companies?


A: No, not yet.


B: Do you know what GMFNT stands for?


A: Of course. It stands for General Most-Favored-Nation Treatment. If one nation enjoys this kind of treatment, it is accessible to tariff preference for imported goods from another nation.

A:當然知道。它代表General Most-Fa-vored-Nation Treatment(一般最惠國待遇)。如果一個國家享有這種待遇,它就 可以獲得從另一個國家進口商品的關稅 優惠。

B: Do you have any hobbies?


A: Yes. I like sports and music.


B: So far, so good. I think you’d like to know about the remuneration. The starting salary for trading clerks in this company is RMB 3,500 per month, and raises are given after six months according to your ability. We provide fringe benefits such as annual bonus, three-week paid vacation a year, and health insurance. Are these satisfactory?

B:到目前爲止,一切談得都很順暢。我認 爲你會想知道有關待遇方面的事情。本 公司貿易業務員的起薪是每月3500元 人民幣,半年後將根據你的能力加薪。 我們還提供各種福利,如年度獎金、每年 3個星期的有薪假期和健康保險等。這 些令人滿意嗎?

A: Yes. These are quite satisfactory.


B: Do you have any questions about the job?


A: I was told that some of your Chinese employees are sent to the United States to attend the training program provided by the head office. I’d like to know how you choose employees to attend the program?

A:我聽說貴公司的一些中國職員被送往美 國,去參加由總公司提供的培訓課程。 我想知道您們是如何挑選職員去接受培 訓的?

B: Almost all Chinese employees are eligible to attend the training course, but as the number of trainees at one time is limited, we select them on their merits.

B:幾乎所有的中國職員都有資格參加培訓 課程。但是,由於每次受訓者的名額有 限,我們只好依照他們的業績來挑選。

A: One more question. Are there any chances for Chinese employees to be transferred to the head office or other branch offices around the world?

A:還有一個問題是,中國職員有沒有機會 被調往總公司或世界各地其他的分公 司?

B: Certainly. There would be good chances for you to work overseas, I think, if you are really a capable man. How about the job? Are your really interested?

B:當然有。我想,如果你真正能幹,是會有 好機會到國外去工作的。你覺得這個工 作如何?真有興趣嗎?

A: Sure. I’ll do my utmost if this company employs me.

A:真有興趣。如果貴公司僱用我,本人一 定竭盡全力幹好工作。

B: It has been pleasant talking with you, Mr. Wang. We’ll notify you of our final decision within one week.

B:和你談話真愉快,王先生。我們將在一 周內把我們的最後決定通知你。

A: Thank you, Mr. Hudson, for your interview with me. I hope to see you a-gain.

A:謝謝您爲我安排了面試,哈德遜先生。 我希望再次見到您。

B: Good-bye.



A: Please make yourself at home. Smoke if you like.


B: Thank you.


A: To start with, may I ask why you are interested in working at our company?

A:首先請問你爲什麼有興趣在我們公司工 作?

B: Firstly, you have had an impressive growth record, ever since Mr. Mitchell founded the company 60 years ago. Secondly, marketing is obviously very important for you and I will have a great deal to learn from and contribute to your company.

B:第一,從密歇爾先生60年前創立這家公 司後,你們就有很好的成長業績;第二, 市場銷售對你們公司顯然非常重要,我 將會從中學到很多東西,並對你們的公 司有所貢獻。

A: Very well. You are now with CSC Company, What is your chief responsibility there?

A:很好,你現在在賽瑞公司,在那裏主要負 責什麼?

B: I am in charge of organizing trade conferences for distributors held in different parts of the nation almost every month.

B:我負責給經銷商安排貿易會議,這種會 議在全國不同的地區舉辦,幾乎每個月 都有。

A: You may ask questions about us, if you have any.


B: Sure. What would my job entail?


A: You would report to me with regard to all marketing activities for a new line of our products we will be launching here in the fall. During the initial period, it will involve a lot of work and you may be called in on weekends too. What salary would you expect to get?

A:你要向我報告關於秋吞將在此推出我們 新系列產品的一切銷售活動。在開始的 時候會有很多工作,你也可能在週末被 召來,你希望待遇多少?

B: Well, I would expect the standard rate of pay at your company for a person with my experience and educational background. Incidentally, I made one million not including a bonus last year.

B:嗯,我希望是你們公司對一個具有我這 種經驗和教育背景的人所付的標準薪 資。附帶一提的是,我去年做了一百萬, 不包括紅利。

A: OK, you will be hearing from us within ten days.


B: Thank you.






