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I'm absolutely stuffed! 撐死我了!
Keep the change. 零錢就留着吧.
Could we get the bill? 麻煩結賬.


It's common practice in the States. 這種做法在美國很普遍.
It's usually customary to tip money. 我們一般是用金錢來當消費的.
People don't eat enough fruit nowadays. 現在的人們吃的水果太少了.


I don't think I've ever eaten so much food at one sitting. 我從沒一口氣吃這麼多過.
It's a 'gift' given to the server to show appreciation for their good service. 它是給服務生的禮物,用來表達對他們優質服務的感激之情.
Here's 35 dollars for the meal, and this fruit basket is for you. 這是35美元的飯錢,而水果是送給你的.

擺脫雷人口語第2期:慷慨消費 第2張

Tom: I'm absolutely stuffed. I don't think I've ever eaten so much at one sitting.
Wang Yong: same here. How did we manage to eat seven jin of dumplings?
T: well, I had five of them. [To waitress] the bill, please.
Waitress: that will be 71 yuan.
T: here's 80. keep the change.
Waitress: I'm sorry, sir?
W: [to waitress] he means, 'Could we get the change please?'
Waitress: of course, one moment please.
W: [to Tom] what did you mean when you said 'keep the change'?
T: it's called a 'tip'. Think of it as a gift given to the server to show appreciation for their good service. It's common practice in the States.

A few months later, Tom has returned to the US. Wang Yong decideds to visit him during China's National Day. The two friends dine out at an Italian restaurant.

W: [to Tom] it's my treat this time. [to waiter] Could we get the bill?
Waiter: [handing Wang Yong the bill] here you go.
W: [ he takes some money from his wallet, which he hands to the waiter along with a fruit basket from under the table.] here's $35 for the meal, and this fruit is for you.
T: [to Wang] Lao Wang, it's usually customary to tip money.
W: but money's so impersonal. And besides, people don't eat enough fruit nowadays.
Waiter: you have a good point. I really like mango anyway. Thanks a lot.
T: [To wang] well, it looks like you've reinvented the tip!

擺脫雷人口語第2期:慷慨消費 第3張



擺脫雷人口語第2期:慷慨消費 第4張

I'm sorry? 不好意思?
如果別人說第一遍的時候沒有挺清楚或者沒有弄明白對方的意思,想要對方重複剛纔說過的話,這種情況下就可以說'I'm sorry?'
A: Beautiful day today, isn't it?
B: I'm sorry?
A: I said it's a beautiful day today.
B: Oh, yeah, it sure is!

To think of it as…把這看作是…
'to think of it as…'的意思是'to view/regard sth as…'.在祈使句中,說話人可以用這個短語來做解釋,或者提出看待問題的另一種方式.
A: I can't believe the teacher is making us do our eaasys on computer! What a drag!
B: well, just think of it as a chance to improve your typing skills.

Here you go.
如果想把什麼東西交給別人,可以用這個短語.也可以說' here you are.'或者'here'.
A: did you have to chance to pick up some shampoo after work?
B: Honey, would I forget something as important as shampoo. [takes a bottle out of shopping bag] Here you go.
親愛的,像洗髮水這麼重要的東西,我怎麼能忘了買呢? 給你.

擺脫雷人口語第2期:慷慨消費 第5張

Stuffed: having eaten so much that you cannot eat anything else 飽

Same here: used to say that something is also true of you 我也一樣;我也是
'I can't wait to see it.' 'Same here.' “我巴不得馬上看到它。”“我也一樣。”

Common practice: 一般慣例

Be sb's treat: 由某人請客

Customary: if something is customary, it is what people usually do in a particular place or situation 習俗的;習慣的
Is it customary to tip hairdressers in this country? 這個國家興不興給理髮師小費?

Impersonal: lacking friendly human feelings or atmosphere; making you feel unimportant 缺乏人情味的;冷淡的usually disapproving
a vast impersonal organization 龐大而不講人情的組織
an impersonal hotel room 冷冰冰的旅館房間
Business letters need not be formal and impersonal. 商業信函不一定就得刻板而缺乏人情味。
a cold impersonal stare 冷漠的凝視

have a (good) point: 說得有道理,說得對

reinvent: to present yourself/something in a new form or with a new image 以新形象示人;以新形式出現verb VN ~ sth/yourself (as sth)
The former wild man of rock has reinvented himself as a respectable family man. 過去的那位搖滾狂人已經改變形象,成了一位體面的愛家的男人。