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紀念……成立……週年 commemorate ….anniversary of the founding of

恪守承諾 commitment to

聯合國憲章宗旨和原則 the purpose and the principles of the UN Charter

善鄰之道 live together in peace with one another as good neighbors

劃時代意義 epoch-making

里程碑 milestone

人類社會滄桑鉅變 stupendous changes in human society

國際舞臺風雲變幻 vicissitudes in the international arena

地區熱點問題 regional hot spot issue

民族分裂勢力 regional separatists

極端宗教勢力 religious extremist

毒品走私 drug trafficking

傳染性疾病 communicable disease

堅持多邊主義 uphold multilateralism

擯棄冷戰思維 abandon the Cold War mentality

標本兼治 address both symptoms and root causes

裁軍與軍備控制 disarmament and arms control

防止核擴散 prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons

包容精神 the spirit of inclusiveness

文明多樣性 diversity of civilization

兼容幷蓄的和諧世界 harmonious world where all coexist and accommodate each other

休慼與共的命運 interests and destinies


subsequent endeavor 此後的努力

humanitarian 人道主義者

refrain 不以

non-intervention 不干涉

domestic jurisdiction 內部事務

the minimum doe of conduct 最起碼的行爲準則

the Security Council 安理會

paralysis 癱瘓

veto right 否決權

incapacitate 無所作爲

nuclear weapon proliferation 核武器擴散

communicable disease 傳染性疾病

buffer conflicts 緩解衝突

enforcement 強制

meddle 管閒事

manifold 多種多樣

permeate 滲透

practice tolerance 寬容忍讓

transcend differences 超越差異

convergence of interests 共同利益的匯合點

coercion 高壓政治

tackle 處理
