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Why is the comet like Mickey Mouse?

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腦筋急轉彎最早起源於古代印度。就是指當思維遇到特殊的阻礙時,要很快的離開習慣的思路,從別的方面來思考問題。現在泛指一些不能用通常的思路來回答的的智力問答題。腦筋急轉彎分類比較廣泛:有益智類,搞笑類,數學類,成人類等。 腦筋急轉彎是種娛樂方式,同時也是一種大衆化的文字遊戲

Why is the comet like Mickey Mouse?

1、Why is the comet like Mickey Mouse?

2、Who is closer to you, your mother or your father?

3、What's the poorest bank in the world?


1、Because it's a star with a tail.


2、Mom, because dad is farther(father).

3、The river bank (河堤).


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