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The day my husband moved out, I cleaned the house. From the sidewalk in front of our building, I watched him drive off, our dog in the passenger seat. I'd thought, good riddance to both of them. Then I went back to the apartment and packed away what he'd left behind. We'd been together for 13 years, since before I could drink legally. I felt nothing.


Two months later I met a beautiful Irishman on a dance floor in Dublin. Somehow, he broke my heart in a way my husband's leaving hadn't.


The Irishman was my crisis romance. When I fell for him I was in that altered breakup state when the heart has been hammered by so many little blows and for so long it feels nearly dead.



All crisis romances are ménage à trois. It's you, him, and the fantasy you project on him. He's a god. He's the best sex you've ever had. He understands you like no one before. He's better looking than anyone you've ever seen. He is the opposite of your old partner in all ways. Except of course he's exactly the same.


You think a crisis romance is the start of your new life, but really it's the end of the old. I can see it in hindsight: I'd become immune to my husband's worst; I needed the Irishman to deliver the final deathblow so my heart would, finally, shatter - and then I'd be able to start anew.


I went to Dublin to meet my brother who was on tour with a famous rock star. That sense of emptiness I'd had since the day my husband left had turned into a sense of vastness, as if I'd been cracked open and was now as big as the universe. My innards were on the outside - or rather there was no distinction between inside and outside. When my brother said "come join us," I hopped on a plane the next morning.


I went with my brother and the guys from the band to see Jimmy Cliff. After they all went home, I stayed, because I felt like if I didn't get to dance to the rock-steady DJ just starting to spin, I might die.



  • 1英語每日一說:我知道你是不可忘卻的。所以,即使我不去想,但你依舊在我心中。
  • 2我的幻想
  • 3我想對你說
  • 4英語每日一說:我對生活充滿信心,我想每天活着。如果你也是這樣的話,你其實就不需要寫新年願望清單了。——湯姆·福特
  • 5爸爸我想對你說英語作文
  • 6英語每日一說:我無法停止想你。這是個問題。我開車到你的住處,我打了電話又掛斷。 ——《他其實沒那麼喜歡你》
  • 7每日一句口語 第2548期:我總是害怕,有一天你會發現,我沒你想的那麼好
  • 8提到“夢想,幻想”,你只知道sueño?34個相關詞彙大盤點!
  • 9韓語每日一說:不要過於在乎別人是如何去想你的,因爲他們對於你不會想那麼多。
  • 10韓語每日一句:不要過於在乎別人是如何去想你的,因爲他們對於你不會想那麼多。
  • 11日積月累學口語:十種"我想對你說"的英文表達
  • 12日語每日一說:你以爲我幹這份工作幾年了,我可沒你想的那麼不中用。
  • 13英語每日一說:所以,我們的生活會很艱難,實屬不易。我們不得不每天工作。但我願意這樣做,因爲我想擁有你。我想全身心擁有你,永遠,每天。我們每天都在一起。
  • 14我想對你說
  • 15孩子,我想對你說
  • 16我想你了韓語:怎麼用韓語說我想你了
  • 17我想你了韓語:韓語的我想你了
  • 18我想和你唱第二季第7期嘉賓是誰 我想和你唱2第7期有哪些歌單
  • 19對初中的幻想200字
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