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Cool Ways Advertising Executives You Into Buying Things: Top 10 Advertising Tricks and Techniques


Advertisers are sneaky tricksters who get you to think, see, and buy things without you ever even knowing you've been deftly manipulated into making a purchase. For more than a century, the art of product placement, graphic design, and subliminal messages have convinced us to buy more than we ever intended and to spend more than we ever wanted. The popular television show “Mad Men” presented a romanticized view of the advertising world, but the steps advertisers take are often grounded in scientific e advertisers aren't just guessing and making things up when they're convincing you to buy. They're using tried-and-true and proven methods to trick you. They use everything they can from manipulating the visual design of their products to creating special retail environments designed to convince you to buy something when you never even intended to take your wallet out of your pocket. Here are some of the coolest ways advertisers work their magic on you.

廣告商都極擅花言巧語。他們讓受衆腦子裏惦着、眼睛裏看着,直到錢包空了,才反應過來——“哦,被購物了”。一個多世紀以來,廣告商在產品要如何擺放、平面要如何設計、潛意識信息要如何傳遞等方面都費盡心思。如此考究,無非是讓顧客掏更多的錢,把更多的東西搬回家。《廣告狂人》(Mad Men)是一部備受歡迎的電視劇,它爲劇迷們呈現了一個美圖秀秀後的廣告圈,但片中廣告人所採用的那些手段還是有科學依據的。那些廣告商絕不僅是依靠猜測或編造故事來說服顧客購物的。他們還採用實踐證明法,試錯法等方法來“等君入甕”。從提升產品視覺效果到營造個性的銷售氛圍,他們竭盡所能,讓顧客心甘情願掏錢包,將那些原本壓根沒打算採購的物件搬回家。以下介紹幾種超有範兒的廣告魔術。

rtisers Confuse and Bewilder You Into Buying



If you look at the layout of a grocery store with a critical eye, you might think that a team of monkeys decided where to place products. However, it's no accident that you can never find anything in a grocery store. Companies know that if you're focused while you shop, you'll be less likely to make impulse buys or make purchases you didn't intend to make while wandering the aisles of the store. Imagine that you're trying to find a can of beans, and you walk into the canned vegetable aisle to find ery stores can place certain foods in aisles where you'd never expect them, and your search for that special item often comes with an additional purchase you never intended to make. Maybe you noticed the tortillas were on sale while trying to find the canned corn and decided to buy a bag. To further confuse you into buying more than you intended, stores will also create interruptions designed to make you forget about finding a great deal on something.


A study conducted at Stanford University found that people who were interrupted when engaged in a task were more likely to engage in “risk-taking” than an individual who was allowed to conduct their business in peace. As far as buying is concerned, this risk-taking comes in the form of buying the product you were considering before you were interrupted even if it was more than you wanted to pay. Rather than remembering to get that calculator out, you forget that you didn't actually check to see whether the large can of corn was a better deal that the small can.


speople Mimic You to Make You Spend More


十個"誘"你購買商品的廣告技巧(1) 第2張

Did you grow up with a younger sibling who used to mimic your every movement just to annoy you? Or, were you the sibling who liked to annoy your brother or sister by mimicking their movements, speech, and tone of voice? Well, apparently those simple gestures and mimicry could get you a job as a salesperson because of how mimicked behavior influences a person's decision to buy something. A study published in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services found that forming personal bonds between shoppers and salespeople was an effective way of increasing sales.

你是否有小弟或小妹,模仿着你的一舉一動,讓你不勝其煩?又或是,你從行爲、言論甚至是聲調都在模仿着你的哥哥姐姐?模仿行爲將影響顧客是否決定購買產品;通過一些簡單的手勢以及適度模仿,你就能成爲一名銷售員。《零售及消費者服務》(Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services)雜誌發表的一份研究稱,在顧客與僱員之間形成人際互動,不失爲提高銷售量行之有效的方法。

The experiment featured four salespeople in a retail store who were told to mimic customers to see if that behavior could influence a person's decision to buy something. Not only did mimicking customers ensure a higher overall sales rate, but the experiment also showed that people became more susceptible to a salesperson's suggestions. Further, the customers were even likely to give the store and its salespeople high marks when evaluating their buying experience. This study built upon previous research that suggested people were more comfortable buying from salespeople who were very like themselves.


So, for example, a store selling clothing meant for a female demographic around ages 40 to 60 might hire saleswomen in that age range to improve the likelihood of a personal bond developing between the customer and the employee. Other research has even showed value in physical touch during the sales process, but only from female sales associates. A tap on the shoulder or a gentle nudge on someone's back could lead to higher sales or more money spent. Like mimicry, tactile touch also improved a customer's opinion of the store after making a purchase.


rtisers Prey on Your Feelings with Round Numbers


十個"誘"你購買商品的廣告技巧(1) 第3張

There's a good chance you know someone who always has to have everything organized and neat, and they probably hate messes and leaving things out of place. Maybe this describes how you feel, and you hate it when things look messy. Overall, it would appear that many of us have these same feelings when it comes to rounded numbers and shopping. It's very common for consumers to look for the lowest price on a product, but the results of a study aspublished by Science Daily revealed that people actually have feelings regarding prices with rounded numbers.

你身邊一定有這樣的人,他們討厭東西雜亂無章、亂丟一氣,總是把每樣東西安排得井井有條、整整齊齊。也許這恰恰說得就是你。談到整數和購物的時候,很多人似乎都深有同感。一般來說,消費者購物時總希望物美價廉,但是《科學日報》(Science Daily)發表的一項研究表明,人們其實更喜歡整數的標價。

Originally published in the Journal of Consumer Research, the study showed that consumers were actually drawn to rounded numbers on prices when a purchase was “feeling” based rather than one based on research. For example, buying a birthday present for someone and seeing a price of $100 rather than $96.78 would make someone more likely to make a purchase. On the other hand, a price with odd numbers in it would encourage a buyer to think about the price more and make a more informed decision as to whether it was a good buy or whether they could find a better deal somewhere else.

這項研究最初發表於《消費者研究》雜誌(Journal of Consumer Research)。研究顯示,如果是憑感覺消費而不是經過一番調查比對的話,消費者實際上更容易被整數價格所吸引。例如,給人買生日禮物的時候,比起96.78美元,人更願意購買標價爲100美元的禮物。相反,如果價格是奇數的話,消費者可能就會考慮價格是否划算、在別處買會不會更便宜,然後做出更明智的決定。

This study isn't the only one to find that even the smallest changes in price can have a big impact on the likelihood that someone would make a purchase. In fact, studies have shown that increasing the price on a product can make people think it's worth more even though no actual change was made to the product. From all accounts, humans notice even the smallest changes in price, but it's not always a price in the downward direction that makes someone decide a product is an appropriate purchase.


審校:假微信 校對:落花生 編輯:Freya然