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Tourists, along with residents of the city, have been told to minimise their exposure to the smog, and to avoid outdoor activities, putting many of the city's attractions off-limits.
The Singapore Flyer ferris wheel suspended operations yesterday, while the city's famous skyscrapers, and the Gardens by the Bay horticultural project, are shrouded in haze.
Outdoor attractions across the city, including the Adventure Cove Waterpark, have seen a dip in visitor numbers, Channel News Asia reports, and tour operators have been forced to adjust holiday itineraries, substituting outdoor activities for indoor ones.
At least one sightseeing company, DUCKtours, has cancelled its trips, while Universal Studios Singapore has had to cancel some outdoor shows.
The smog has hit small businesses too, with one restaurant reporting an 80 per cent decline in visitors.
Meanwhile, Changi Airport is increasing the time between takeoffs and landings as a precautionary safety measure, although no delays have been reported.
Michael Ross, a 44-year-old Briton and a former resident of Singapore, is due to fly to the city-state on Saturday for a family holiday.
“We did plan to spend four or five days in Singapore and visit Gardens by the Bay, the Singapore Flyer and the high-rise pool at Marina Bay Sands,” he said. “Now I am just trying to find us flights out of there and over to Cambodia for a few days instead.
“We had haze there before, but the levels seen in the last day or two are way beyond anything we experienced.”
Unfortunately Britons due to travel to Singapore will be unable to cancel their trip free of charge because of the pollution. Tour operators and airlines are under no obligation to offer a refund, or even alternative dates, unless the Foreign Office advises Britons against visiting the country.
Its advice currently states that Singapore “is experiencing high levels of pollution from land clearance fires in Indonesia - you should monitor the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) updates and health advisories from the Singapore National Environment Agency (NEA).”
The NEA advises anyone with heart or lung diseases, children and the elderly to stay indoors, adding that “everyone else should avoid all physical activity outdoors”.
The Singapore Tourist Board said the country remains open to tourists but also advised caution.
"Tourists are advised to minimise their exposure by limiting prolonged or heavy outdoor activities," said a spokesman."In particular, children, the elderly and those with heart or lung diseases, should seek medical treatment early if they feel unwell. STB is keeping a close watch on the situation."
In an attempt to tackle the smog, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has ordered disaster officials to "mobilise all the country's resources" to extinguish the fires that are causing the problem. Indonesia's national disaster agency said two helicopters with cloud-seeding equipment were sent to Sumatra, where hundreds of hectares of carbon-rich peatland are ablaze.


新加坡摩天觀景輪(Flyer ferris wheel)已於20日停止運營,而著名摩天大樓和花園灣園藝(Gardens by the Bay)項目也籠罩在霧霾之中。
亞洲新聞頻道(Channel News Asia)報道,新加坡整個城市的戶外景點,包括冒險灣水上樂園(Adventure Cove Waterpark)也遇到了遊客數量驟減的問題,而景點經營者也不得不改變遊程,以室內活動代替室外活動。
至少有一家觀光公司DUC旅遊公司(DUCtours)已取消了它的遊程,而新加坡環球影城(Universal Studios Singapore)也不得不取消一些戶外表演。
這場霧霾也影響到了一些小企業,一家餐廳稱少了80% 的顧客。
與此同時,作爲一項預防性安全措施,樟宜機場(Changi Airport)加長了飛機起飛和降落之間的時間差距,但並未出現延遲現象。
44歲的英國人邁克爾·羅斯(Michael Rose)曾是新加坡的居民,原來是打算週六飛到新加坡參加家庭聚會。
不幸的是,由於此次污染,原本要到新加坡旅遊的英國人無法免費取消他們的行程。旅行社和機場無義務提供退款,甚至也不能改簽,除非外交部(Foreign Office)建議英國不去新加坡。
外交部目前的建議指出,新加坡“正在經歷一場由於印尼清理土地燒荒引起空氣高度污染——人們應該關注更新的污染指數(Pollutant Standards Index, PSI)和新加坡環境署(Singapore National Environment Angecy, NEA)提出的健康建議。”
新加坡旅遊管理局(Singapore Tourist Board,STB)稱,新加坡仍對遊客開放但建議要小心。
在試圖解決這場霧霾危機的過程中,新加坡總統蘇西洛·班邦·尤多約諾(Susilo Bambang Yodhoyono)已向救災官員“動用國家所有資源”,解決這場燒荒帶來的所有問題。印度尼西亞國家災難局稱,兩架帶有播種設備的直升機飛往蘇門答臘島,在那兒,上百頃富含碳的泥炭地滿是火苗。