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美團和大衆點評同意合併 Chinese online groups agree merger worth as much as $20bn

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美團和大衆點評同意合併 Chinese online groups agree merger worth as much as $20bn

Two of China’s largest online companies have agreed to combine in what will be the country’s largest private market merger, with a potential valuation of as much as $20bn according to people familiar with the matter.


By coming together, and Dianping Holdings will dominate in China’s market for providing everything from movie tickets to discount restaurant coupons and home delivery of food.


Meituan, had about 52 per cent of the Rmb77bn ($12.1bn) online-to-offline services market in the first half of the year, according to researcher Analysys International, while restaurant review app Dianping accounted for about 30 per cent.

研究機構易觀國際(Analysys International)數據顯示,今年上半年,中國“線上到線下”(O2O)服務市場規模爲770億元人民幣(合121億美元),團購網站美團約佔其中的52%,餐廳評論網站大衆點評約佔其中的30%。

The combined group will pose a greater threat to other established players, notably search engine Baidu’s consumer services platform Nuomi. Baidu in June said it would invest Rmb20bn in its Groupon-like site in an effort to make it the number two player in the market by the end of the year.


With Meituan backed by ecommerce giant Alibaba and Dianping by social media and gaming group Tencent, the merger marks a decision to forgo a expensive price and subsidy war and focus on creating scale.


Despite the differing sizes and valuations, the tie-up is being billed as one of equals. The two company heads will become co-chief executives of the new company, which will have two head offices, one in Beijing where Meituan is based and one in Shanghai, Dianping’s home.


The deal will give existing management a significant share of the merged unit. Sequoia Capital Management, which has been an investor both in Meituan and Dianping in almost all of their financing rounds, will be a big beneficiary, along with other stakeholders including Alibaba and Tencent.

這宗交易將讓現有管理層在合併後的新公司中佔據一大塊股份。紅杉資本(Sequoia Capital Management)在美團和大衆點評兩家公司的幾乎所有融資回合中都有投資,該公司以及包括阿里巴巴和騰訊在內的其他股東將成爲重大受益者。


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