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富國須承擔減排主要責任 Modi tells rich nations of their duty to lead climate change fight

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富國須承擔減排主要責任 Modi tells rich nations of their duty to lead climate change fight

India’s prime minister has issued a blunt warning that rich nations still have a moral imperative to lead the fight against global warming, highlighting the challenges facing the UN climate talks starting in Paris today.


Weighing into one of the most divisive issues at the talks, Narendra Modi writes in today’s Financial Times that advanced countries that “powered their way to prosperity on fossil fuel” must continue to shoulder the greatest burden. “Anything else would be morally wrong,” he says.

納倫德拉莫迪(Narendra Modi)介入了氣候談判中最容易引起分歧的問題之一,他在今日英國《金融時報》撰文表示,“當年依靠化石燃料實現富裕”的先進國家,必須繼續肩負起最沉重的負擔。“其它安排在道德上都是錯誤的,”他說。

Many wealthy countries insist there can be no deal unless large emerging economies take on more responsibility for fighting climate change than they have in the past.


Mr Modi’s comments underline the fraught difficulties confronting negotiators from nearly 200 countries at the two-week Paris meeting due to produce the first new global climate accord in 18 years.


The Indian PM will join more than 130 world leaders who will open the meeting with a string of eye-catching pledges on ways to cut fossil fuel use, a central aim of the new agreement.


Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates is expected to join several countries unveiling plans to advance renewable energy technology and help poorer countries lower their carbon emissions.

預計億萬富翁慈善家比爾蓋茨(Bill Gates)將加入幾個國家的行列,公佈推進可再生能源技術、幫助較貧窮國家減少碳排放量的計劃。



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