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戲裏戲外, 好萊塢大腕們的一週戲外人生

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戲裏戲外, 好萊塢大腕們的一週戲外人生

Timberlake wedding video featuring homeless people makes waves

That's one way to end the honeymoon early: Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel's recent wedding is at the center of a publicity — and potentially legal — nightmare. According to the website Gawker, guests at the southern Italian nuptials Friday saw a tribute video sent by a friend of Timberlake, a real-estate agent named Justin Huchel, that featuRed homeless men and one person who appeared to be a transvestite wishing the couple well, following a title card reading, "Greetings from your Hollywood friends who just couldn't make it." Justin Timberlake has taken time to "clear the air" and apologize about the video featuring homeless people that was produced by a friend of his, ostensibly in honor of his recent wedding to Jessica Biel. "I want to say that, on behalf of my friends, family, and associative knuckleheads, I am deeply sorry to anyone who was offended by the video. Again, it was something that I was not made aware of. But, I do understand the reaction and, by association, I am holding myself accountable."


這是一種提前結束蜜月的方式:賈斯汀和傑西卡.貝爾最近的婚禮正處在公衆的中心- 和潛在的法律 - 噩夢。根據Gawker網站,週五在意大利南部舉行婚禮上的客人見到了Timberlake的朋友(一個叫Justin Huchel的房地產經紀人)送來的賀喜視頻,視頻涉及無家可歸的人以及一個似乎是異裝癖的人在祝福着這對夫妻,視頻中附着一張卡片寫着“來自你不能趕來的好萊塢朋友的誠摯問候。”賈斯汀已經花時間去“澄清了”,併爲他朋友製作的視頻涉及到流浪漢而道歉,表面上是爲了恭賀他最近和傑西卡•貝爾的婚禮視頻。“我想說的是,代表我的朋友、家人以及相關的傻瓜,對被該視頻觸怒了的所有人我深感抱歉。再次,這是我毫不知情的東西,但我明白這些反應以及相關聯的,我會自己負責。”

戲裏戲外, 好萊塢大腕們的一週戲外人生 第2張

Taylor Swift calls it quits with Conor Kennedy, releases new album

Looks as if Taylor Swift is too busy to date these days:As the days have grown shorter, she and Conor Kennedy have reportedly broken off their summer fling. "They quietly parted ways a while ago," a Swift friend told Us Weekly about the 22-year-old singer and her 18-year-old high school student flame. "It was just a distance thing. No hard feelings. They're fine." Well that's good news, given Swift's penchant for writing songs when she's vexed by exes — think "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together," her catchy hit from the new album "Red," which dropped Monday.


看起來泰勒.斯威夫特這些天好像忙的連約會時間都沒有了,隨着白天越來越短,據報道她和康納爾.肯尼迪的夏日戀情已經結束。“前段時間他們悄悄地分道揚鑣,”斯威夫特的朋友告訴《美國週刊》關於這位22歲的歌手和她18歲的高中學生之間的火花。“這只是距離問題。沒有難受的感覺。他們很好。”好吧,這是好消息,考慮到當她爲前男友所煩惱時斯威夫特就喜歡寫歌- 想想她週一發佈的新專輯“Red”中膾炙人口的《我們再也回不到一起》就曾風行一時。

戲裏戲外, 好萊塢大腕們的一週戲外人生 第3張

Robert Pattinson on 'the greatest vampire sex you've ever had'

In "The Twilight Saga," Robert Pattinson is required to move at superhuman speed, feast on woodland creatures and rip the limbs off fellow vampires. But the biggest challenge was his love scenes. Promoting the final film in the blockbuster franchise, Pattinson hit Australia for a photo call and stopped by a local chat show to talk on-screen lovin' with costar Kristen Stewart. "The sex scene in this one is pretty ridiculous," he said."It's just because you're kind of shooting stuff to be PG-13 ... it's just trying to think of inventive ways to make something sexy."


在《暮光之城》系列裏羅伯特•帕丁森需要以超人的速度移動,以林地的生物爲食,撕裂吸血鬼同類的四肢。但是,最大的挑戰是他的愛情戲。宣傳特許經營大片的最後一部電影,帕丁森來到澳大利亞拍攝照片,並被一個本地聊天秀攔截住去談論與合演克里斯汀•斯圖爾特的熒幕愛情。“在這其中的性愛場面是非常荒謬的,”他說。 “這只是因爲你是一種要拍成PG-13級的東西……這只是要試圖想出創造性的方式來使一些事情性感。”

戲裏戲外, 好萊塢大腕們的一週戲外人生 第4張

Tom Cruise lawsuit could open his private life

It can be true in medicine and Tom Cruise may find it's true in law: Sometimes, the cure is worse than the disease. The "Top Gun" and "Mission: Impossible" star filed a $50-million defamation lawsuit Wednesday against the publishers of Life & Style Weekly and In Touch magazines for twice alleging the actor had "abandoned" his daughter, Suri. But as people familiar with litigation know, Cruise runs the risk of turning his private life into a very open book. To prove that the tabloid's allegations were false and defamatory, Cruise may have to answer any number of questions, under oath, about himself and his parenting. He might even be asked about his past relationship with ex-wife Nicole Kidman and the children from that marriage, as well as his religious beliefs, according to libel and defamation lawyers not involved in the case.

