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林田英治 鋼鐵行業已經見底 Steel industry braces for slow recovery from crisis

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A full recovery from the worst ever crisis for the global steel industry may take as long as five years, says the head of Japan’s second-largest steelmaker, who is predicting an acceleration in industry-wide consolidation.

林田英治 鋼鐵行業已經見底 Steel industry braces for slow recovery from crisis

日本第二大鋼鐵企業日本鋼鐵工程控股(JFE Holdings)社長林田英治(Eiji Hayashida)表示,全球鋼鐵業要想從有史以來最嚴重的危機中全面復甦,可能需要長達五年時間。他還預言全行業整合將會加速。

Eiji Hayashida, chief executive of JFE Holdings, said market conditions are expected to improve after China started to shut down steel factories to address excess industrial capacity.


But he said it was premature to assume a recent short-term rise in Chinese steel prices would lead to an immediate recovery in global demand. Chinese mills have been accused of compounding sluggish demand by dumping surplus steel on to international markets.


“I think what we are seeing now is the bottom and things will not get worse,” Mr Hayashida said in an interview. “But the problem (in China) cannot be resolved in one to two years. It will take three to five years for the situation to considerably improve.”


A global glut made steel cheaper last year than at any other point in the past decade, weighing heavily on earnings at other big producers such as ArcelorMittal, US Steel and South Korea’s Posco.

全球供過於求導致鋼材價格去年降至十年來最低點,對安賽樂米塔爾(ArcelorMittal)、美國鋼鐵公司(US Steel)、韓國浦項制鐵(Posco)等其他大型鋼企的盈利造成沉重打擊。

In Japan, the world’s second-biggest producer of steel, a focus on higher-value steel in smaller volumes has helped shield companies such as JFE Holdings from an influx of typically lower-grade and commoditised steel from emerging markets.


Yet even Japanese players are still under pressure. Kobe Steel — which makes Kobelco cranes and diggers as well as metals — is anticipating an annual net loss of Y20bn ($176m) while JFE Holdings halved its net profit forecast to Y25bn for the fiscal year ending in March.

但即使是日本企業也感受到了壓力。神戶制鋼(Kobe Steel)預測年度淨虧損200億日元(合1.76億美元),其旗下產品包括神鋼(Kobelco)起重機、挖掘機和金屬製品。日本鋼鐵工程控股將截至今年3月的財年的淨利潤預測減半至250億日元。

Last month, Japan’s biggest steelmaker, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal, said it would buy domestic stainless steel producer Nisshin Steel as it seeks scale to weather the global downturn.

上個月,日本最大的鋼鐵企業新日鐵住金(Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal)表示將收購國內不鏽鋼生產商日新制鋼(Nisshin Steel),以擴大規模,抵禦全球鋼鐵業下滑。

“What we are seeing today is probably close to the worst-ever crisis for the steel industry,” Mr Hayashida said, comparing the current situation to the global slump in the wake of the Asian economic crisis in the late 1990s.


What differentiates 2016 from 15 years ago is the focus on higher-value products, which include high-strength steels used in automotive industries, deeper cost-cutting efforts and a stronger balance sheet. Mr Hayashida said such improvements have allowed the company to step up spending to renew ageing facilities despite a deterioration in earnings.


With the Japanese steel industry now consolidated to three major players, Mr Hayashida said he wants to seek investments and technology alliances with global players. Despite the recent downturn, JFE Holdings is counting on growth in other parts of Asia and emerging markets to drive demand for steel used in cars and infrastructure.


“We expect an acceleration in industry-wide realignment and mergers. We are not ruling anything out,” he added.


The company already has a high proportion of exports to South Korea, China and Thailand. In 2010, JFE Holdings acquired a 15 per cent stake in India’s JSW Steel to gain a foothold in one of the world’s fastest growing automobile markets.

日本鋼鐵工程控股對韓國、中國和泰國的出口比例已經很高。2010年,該公司收購了印度京德勒西南鋼鐵公司(JSW Steel)的15%股份,在這個增速位居全球前列的汽車市場獲得了立足點。


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