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Gold has been lackluster this year, but some high-profile fans say the future is brightening.

After soaring to an all-time high last year, gold prices have dropped 13%. Gold has crept higher in 2012, though it has lagged behind stocks and some other commodities.

But some investors, including Pacific Investment Management Co. and hedge-fund managers John Paulson and George Soros are doubling down on gold, while others are trumpeting bullish forecasts.
不過,包括太平洋投資管理公司(Pacific Investment Management Co.,簡稱Pimco)以及鮑爾森(John Paulson)、索羅斯(George Soros)等對衝基金經理在內的一些投資者正在加倍對黃金進行投資,同時另外一些人也不斷髮出對黃金的樂觀預期。

They cite a continuing threat of financial turmoil in Europe, the prospect of additional U.S. monetary stimulus that could erode the value of the dollar and bolster gold, and the risk that long-dormant inflation could return.

Each scenario would benefit gold, which often acts as a haven from turmoil as well as keeping its value in times of inflation.

As if on cue, gold jumped almost 1% on Wednesday in electronic trading after minutes from the Federal Reserve's most recent policy-setting meeting indicated the central bankers were leaning toward a new round of quantitative easing. Many investors anticipate that could be announced as early as next month.

The world's biggest bond-fund manager, Pacific Investment Management, increased the gold holdings in its $21 billion CommodityRealReturn Strategy Fund to 11.5% of total assets recently, from 10.5% two months ago, according to Nicholas Johnson, the fund's co-manager. Pimco anticipates inflation will begin to rise in about a year and that gold will be a beneficiary.
全球最大的債券型基金公司Pimco旗下大宗商品實際回報策略基金(Commodity Real Return Strategy Fund)的聯席基金經理約翰遜(Nicholas Johnson)說,他所管理的這隻規模210億美元的基金最近已將黃金資產佔總資產的比例從兩個月前的10.5%提高至11.5%。Pimco預計,通脹水平將會在大約一年以後開始擡頭,屆時黃金將因此受益。

'Broadly speaking, we prefer owning real assets as opposed to financial assets,' Mr. Johnson said. Mr. Johnson said his fund bought as gold dipped toward $1,500 a troy ounce.

As of late Wednesday in New York, gold was at $1,653.10 a troy ounce in electronic trading. The precious metal settled at $1,637.40, down 0.15% for the day, but up 4.6% so far this year.

Gold's all-time high of $1,888.70─without adjusting for inflation─came in August last year, just weeks after Standard & Poor's downgraded the U.S. credit rating.
去年8月黃金價格創出1,888.70美元(未經通脹調整)的歷史紀錄,而此前幾周,標準普爾(Standard & Poor)下調了對美國的信用評級。

That decline has caused pain for many gold bulls. But several have held on to their positions in anticipation that the metal will come roaring back.

'I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a new record this year,' said Eric Sprott, chief investment officer at Toronto-based Sprott Asset Management. The firm has various funds that offer exposure to gold, including its Offshore Fund Limited, which bets on shares of miners, among other things. Still, that exposure hasn't helped the fund, which is down 26% this year through July.
多倫多基金公司Sprott Asset Management的首席投資長斯普羅特(Eric Sprott)說,如果今年金價創下歷史新高,我一點也不會感到意外。該公司有多種投資黃金領域的基金,其中包括Offshore Fund Limited。這隻基金押注的對象之一是礦業公司的股票。儘管如此,在黃金上的投資並沒有給這隻基金帶來提振,今年截至7月份該基金累計下跌了26%。

Prominent fund managers, including Messrs. Paulson and Soros, also have increased their gold holdings, according to regulatory filings. Mr. Paulson's firm, Paulson & Co., held 98 million shares of various gold-mining companies as of June 30, up 3.5% from the end of the first quarter, according to filings. The shares were worth $1.9 billion at June 30, according to filings.
據提交給監管機構的備案文件顯示,包括鮑爾森和索羅斯在內的知名基金經理也已經增持了黃金。據監管備案文件顯示,截至6月30日,鮑爾森麾下的Paulson & Co.持有各類金礦公司股票共9,800萬股,較一季度末增加了3.5%。據備案文件顯示,以6月30日的股價計算,這些股票總值爲19億美元。Paulson & Co. owned 21.8 million shares of SPDR Gold Shares, an exchange-traded fund backed by bullion, at June 30, an increase of 4.5 million shares from March 31, according to filings. The higher mining and ETF holdings reflect Mr. Paulson's bullish thesis on gold, one he has had since 2009, according to a person close to the fund.
據監管備案文件顯示,截至6月30日,Paulson & Co.持有2,180萬份黃金交易所買賣基金(ETF) SPDR Gold Shares,較3月31日增加了450萬份。據一位瞭解該基金的人士說,增持礦業及黃金ETF反映出鮑爾森對黃金的看好。自2009年以來鮑爾森一直看好黃金。

Soros Fund Management LLC more than doubled its stake in SPDR Gold Shares over the same period, leaving it with shares worth $137.3 million as of June 30, according to a separate filing. The filings don't indicate how long the shares have been held or whether the stakes have changed since then. A spokesman declined to comment.
另外一份監管備案文件顯示,同期Soros Fund Management LLC持有的SPDR Gold Shares份額增加了一倍以上;以6月30日的價格計算,該公司所持份額總值爲1.373億美元。文件中沒有披露這些份額已經持有多久,也未透露此後持有量是否發生了變化。該公司發言人不予置評。

Some analysts aren't so optimistic. Credit Suisse recently sliced its 2012 outlook for gold by 5% to $1,680, because of weak demand for physical bullion in India and Southeast Asia. Demand from India and China has weakened in recent months, according to the World Gold Council, a gold-mining industry group. Morgan Stanley also cut its forecast recently.
一些分析人士則沒有這麼樂觀。瑞信(Credit Suisse)最近將其對2012年黃金價格的預期下調了5%,至每金衡盎司1,680美元,原因是印度和東南亞對黃塊的需求低迷。據黃金開採行業組織世界黃金協會(World Gold Council)的數據,近幾個月,印度和中國的黃金需求減弱。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)最近也下調了對黃金價格的預期。

Even some who expect prices to rise are moderating their outlooks. Julian Jessop, head of commodities research at Capital Economics, a London-based consulting firm, said he has 'scaled back my bullishness,' revising his estimate for gold's peak down from $2,500 to $2,000.
就連一些預計金價會上漲的人士也開始調低對黃金前景的預期。倫敦諮詢公司凱投宏觀(Capital Economics)大宗商品研究負責人傑索普(Julian Jessop)說,自己的樂觀預期已經有所收斂,他把自己對金價高點的預期從每金衡盎司2,500美元下調至2,000美元。

Still, he expects gold to hit that lower level by year-end, as the world confronts the possibility that one or more countries may leave Europe's common-currency system. 'When people really start to focus on the prospect of the euro zone breaking up, that's when gold will get a lift,' he said.

Other analysts are sticking to their bullish price outlooks. In late March, as gold faltered, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. reiterated a prior forecast that prices would hit $1,785 over three months. Gold missed that target, but the Wall Street bank hasn't changed the forecast.
其他分析人士則堅持看漲黃金。3月底,雖然金價搖擺不定,高盛(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)重申了此前的預測,即三個月內金價將觸及每金衡盎司1,785美元。金價沒有漲到高盛預測的水平,但這家華爾街投行並未改變自己的預測。

'Our view is that gold is still underpriced,' David Greely, chief commodities strategist for Goldman, said. 'We still expect gold prices to move
高盛首席大宗商品策略師格里利(David Greely)說,我們認爲黃金價格仍然偏低,我們仍預計金價將走高。