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瑞典科學家發明透明木材 性能超越普通玻璃

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Glass windows may soon be a thing of the past.


Researchers from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm have developed a transparent wood material that could change the way we construct buildings and solar panels.


The new material is suitable for mass production, the researchers say, and is a low-cost renewable resource.


If used in the construction of homes and buildings, a transparent wood material has potential to improve indoor lighting, allowing natural light in through the walls. This could save on the costs of artificial lighting, and may even have use in solar cell windows.


瑞典科學家發明透明木材 性能超越普通玻璃

While this is not the first example of optically transparent wood, previous developments have focused on the study of wood anatomy on a microscopic level. Researchers say this new material has large scale applications.

雖然這不是光學透明的木材的第一個例子,但是以前的發展都集中在微觀層面上的木材解剖研究。 研究人員表示,這種新型材料可以大規模使用。

Panels of transparent wood could be used for windows or semi-transparent facades, to let light in while still maintaining privacy. And, it is also can be used for solar cells, as it traps light, thus boosting efficiency of the cells.


'Transparent wood is a good material for solar cells, since it's a low-cost, readily available and renewable resource,' says Lars Berglund, a professor at Wallenberg Wood Science Center at KTH.
