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爲什麼亞洲男性不受西方女性的青睞 Why Asian Guys Aren’t Favored By Western Girls

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爲什麼亞洲男性不受西方女性的青睞 Why Asian Guys Aren’t Favored By Western Girls
Asian girls are favored by western guys all the time, and many western men are attracted by the exotic features, while on the contrary, people barely can find the couples that are foreign girls with Asian boys. It is true that western girls are not that into yellow men, which has many reasons.

On the one hand, culture is different. Western people are open minded, strange people can make connections with each other soon and hang out for fun. While most Asian guys are shy and they won’t be active until they get familiar with each other. On the other hand, the image of Asian men is not that strong. Look at the movie and TV series, then we can barely find the yellow men as the heroes. What’s more, in the history, yellow men came to western countries to look for gold, then they work as the worker and once were driven away by the local people. 

But today as more Asian faces appear in the western mainstream media, western people start to change their opinion on Asian guys. More western girls choose them as their lifetime partner. 


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