
首頁 > 商務英語 > 常用商務英語口語 > 必背英文面試口語 第31期:你有計劃繼續深造嗎? Do you have any plans for further education?

必背英文面試口語 第31期:你有計劃繼續深造嗎? Do you have any plans for further education?

推薦人: 來源: 閱讀: 2.48W 次

Do you have any plans for further education?

必背英文面試口語 第31期:你有計劃繼續深造嗎? Do you have any plans for further education?


I'd like to get an MBA eventually.


I understand your company has a program to send selected employees to business school overseas.


I'm very interested in participating in the program.



What are your plans for further studies?




  • 1必背英文面試口語 第62期:什麼事會使你困擾? What are some of the things that bother you?
  • 2大學畢業後你願意出國深造嗎?Would You Like to Study Abroad After College Education?
  • 3必背英文面試口語 第40期:你認爲你的上司如何? What do you think of your boss?
  • 4必背英文面試口語 第57期:你如何看待加班? How do you feel about working overtime?
  • 5必背英文面試口語 第91期:你目前的薪資是多少? What is your current salary?
  • 6必背英文面試口語 第18期:你如何衡量自己的成功? How do you measure your own success?
  • 7必背英文面試口語 第70期:你曾經被解僱過嗎? Have you ever been fired?
  • 8必背英文面試口語 第14期:你與其他人相處融洽嗎? How do you get along with other people?
  • 9必背英文面試口語 第34期:你可以同時進行多項工作嗎? Are you able to work on several assignments at once?
  • 10必背英文面試口語 第90期:你期望的薪資是多少? What are your salary expectations?
  • 11必背英文面試口語 第21期:你爲什麼選擇這個專業? Why did you choose your major?
  • 12必背英文面試口語 第78期:你曾經開除過別人嗎? Did you ever fire anyone?
  • 13必背英文面試口語 第32期:你認爲你的專長是什麼? What do you think you do best?
  • 14必背英文面試口語 第68期:你找工作找了多久了? How long have you been looking for another job?
  • 15必背英文面試口語 第36期:你能在壓力下工作嗎? Can you work under pressure?
  • 推薦閱讀

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  • 15第93課:Time freezes for everyone but you for one day. What do you do?
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