
首頁 > 商務英語 > 常用商務英語口語 > 必背英文面試口語 第18期:你如何衡量自己的成功? How do you measure your own success?

必背英文面試口語 第18期:你如何衡量自己的成功? How do you measure your own success?

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How do you measure your own success?

ing-bottom: 75%;">必背英文面試口語 第18期:你如何衡量自己的成功? How do you measure your own success?


How much satisfaction I get from doing the job and how much I contribute to the success of the organization I work for.


I don't think success can be measured by the amount of money you make,


as I have met a number of wealthy people who aren't satisfied.



I have set career goals for three years from now,five years from now and 10 years from now.


I would measure my success on whether I have achieved those goals,the ultimate one being to lead an coounting department in 10 years.


From my previous work experiences,I found that the best measure of success is a satisfied customer or how satisfied your customer is.


How will you judge yourself successful?


How will you achieve success?



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