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沒有抑鬱症曝光度高 焦慮症需要更多研究

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BBC News –Anxiety should begiven more attention in mental health research because it is more common thanwe think, says a global review of the disorder.

沒有抑鬱症曝光度高 焦慮症需要更多研究

BBC新聞 – 應當在心理健康研究中給予焦慮症更多關注,因爲它比我們想象的更爲普遍,對焦慮症進行的全球評審報告說

Anxiety is feelings of worry, fear andunease which persist for a long time and become overwhelming, affectingeveryday life. Physical sensations such as raised blood pressure, feeling nauseousand disrupted sleeping are common. At this point, it becomes a mental healthproblem and a diagnosis of a specific anxiety disorder can be given.


Published in the journal Brain andBehavior, the global review of 48 studies found that more than 60 millionpeople were affected by anxiety disorders every year in the EU. North Americais thought to be worst affected, with eight in 100 people having anxiety, andEast Asia least affected (three in 100).


Scientists from the University of Cambridgesaid women, young people under 35 and those with health problems wereparticularly affected. Globally, women were found to be twice as likely toexperience anxiety as men.


The review said people with a chronichealth condition were at particular risk, "adding a double burden on theirlives". For example, 32% of people with multiple sclerosis have an anxietydisorder and 15 to 23% of cancer patients are affected.


Pregnant women were also found to beparticularly prone to obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) - a form of anxietydisorder - before and immediately after the birth of their baby.

孕婦也被發現在孩子出生前後易患強迫症(OCD)- 焦慮症的一種形式。

Review author Olivia Remes, from thedepartment of public health and primary care at the University of Cambridge,said anxiety disorders could make life extremely difficult. "It can leadto the development of other diseases and psychiatric disorders, increase therisk for suicide and is associated with high costs to society."
