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《牛津詞典》年度熱詞流出 "笑哭"惹人注目

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《牛津詞典》年度熱詞流出 "笑哭"惹人注目



For the first time ever, the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year is a pictograph whichofficially called the ‘Face with Tears of Joy’ emoji.


Emojis have been around since the late 1990s, but 2015 saw their use, and use of the wordemoji, increase hugely.


This year Oxford University Press have partnered with leading mobile technology businessSwiftKeyto explore frequency and usage statistics for some of the most popular emoji across the world, and "Face with Tears of Joy" emoji was chosen because it was the most used emoji globally in 2015. The emoji accounts for 20% of all the emojis used in the UK in 2015, and 17% of those in the US: a sharp rise from 4% and 9% respectively in 2014. The word emoji has seen a similar surge: although it has been found in English since 1997, usage more than tripled in 2015 over the previous year according to data from the Oxford Dictionaries Corpus.

ad blocker, 名詞,指能屏蔽網頁廣告的軟件。

A piece of software designed to prevent advertisements from appearing on a web page.

Brexit, 名詞,意爲英國退出歐盟,合成詞,將British與exit結合濃縮而成。

A term for the potential or hypothetical departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union, from British + exit.

Dark Web, 名詞,“暗網”的意思,區別於互聯網表層網絡。

The part of the World Wide Web that is only accessible by means of special software, allowing users and website operators to remain anonymous or untraceable.

on fleek, 形容詞性短語,意爲“完美”!以後再做“完美”手勢配上這一句就更完美了呢!

Extremely good, attractive, or stylish.

lumbersexual, 名詞,“森男”的意思,繼“森女”之後,又出現了森男,通常指的是衣着考究的、追求簡單、自然生活的年輕城市男子。

A young urban man who cultivates an appearance and style of dress (typified by a beard and check shirt) suggestive of a rugged outdoor lifestyle.


A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.

sharing economy, 名詞,分享型經濟。

An economic system in which assets or services are shared between private individuals, either for free or for a fee, typically by means of the Internet.


Used to refer to a person of unspecified sex.