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中國製造業活動持續萎縮 Chinese manufacturing shrinks for 7th straight month大綱

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中國製造業活動持續萎縮 Chinese manufacturing shrinks for 7th straight month

Chinese manufacturers reported sluggish business for a seventh month in a row, with a PMI reading for February which was worse than expected.


The official manufacturing PMI for February came in at 49, compared to economists’ expectations of 49.4. It was 49.4 in January.


The reading means the manufacturing sector has been shrinking for the past seven months. It is the lowest reading since November 2011, when it was also 49.


China recorded its weakest growth in a quarter of a century last year at 6.9 per cent.


On Monday the central bank also opted for more easing, cutting the reserve ratio – or the share of customer deposits that banks must hold on reserve – to boost the availability of cheap credit to consumers and companies. It was also reported than almost 2m Chinese coal and steel workers will lose their jobs because of government policies to cut overcapacity, the majority of them likely to be in state-owned enterprises.


The services PMI was 52.7, compared to a previous reading of 53.5.


The Caixin-sponsored composite PMI for February came in at 48, below expectations for 48.4. It had been 48.4 in January.


The 50-mark separates contraction from expansion. The reading means the sector has been shrinking for a whole year now, and was its lowest in five months.


The survey also noted that staff numbers declined at the sharpest rate since January 2009, as companies downsized to cut costs and did not replace voluntary leavers.


He Fan, economist at Caixin Insight, said: The index readings for all key categories including output, new orders and employment signalled that conditions worsened, in line with signs that the economy’s road to stability remains bumpy. The government needs to press ahead with reforms, while adopting moderate stimulus policies and strengthening support of the economy in other ways to prevent it from falling off a cliff.

財新智庫(Caixin Insight)首席經濟學家何帆認爲,2月財新中國製造業PMI中,產出、新訂單、就業等關鍵分項指標均有所下探,表明中國經濟仍處於反覆震盪的探底階段。當前階段,政府應在繼續推進改革的基礎上,適度採取經濟刺激政策,加大託底政策力度,避免經濟出現斷崖式下跌,引發經濟動盪。


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