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跟隨李嘉誠投資西方 Asian tycoons seek opportunities in western markets

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Asia’s tycoons are wrestling with two threats to the continued wealth and wellbeing of their family businesses, say bankers in Hong Kong and Singapore, the continent’s financial hubs.

跟隨李嘉誠投資西方 Asian tycoons seek opportunities in western markets


The first is how to diversify away from the stuttering Chinese economy, but the second is more fundamental: how to cope with the “enemy within”, in the shape of siblings scrapping to take over their parents’ hard-built enterprises.


The way in which leading businesses in Hong Kong are dealing with these challenges has transfixed wealth managers across the region. Li Ka-shing, one of Asia’s richest investors, has continued to buy foreign assets while restructuring his interests to ease Succession planning, and the dust is beginning to settle after a family power struggle for the Sun Hung Kai Properties empire, owned by the Kwok clan.

香港各大企業應對這些挑戰的方式,簡直讓亞洲財富管理行業的人士目瞪口呆。亞洲最富裕的投資者之一李嘉誠不斷收購外國資產,同時對名下產業進行重組以平穩推進接班規劃,而郭氏家族旗下的新鴻基地產(Sun Hung Kai Properties)帝國在經過一場家族權力爭鬥之後,繼承問題開始塵埃落定。

“What keeps these patriarchs awake at night is succession to the next generation,” says Kevin Herbert HSBC’s co-head for private banking in north Asia, speaking from his 13th-floor office in the bank’s Norman Foster-designed building. “Our clients have multiple assets in multiple jurisdictions, so structuring this wealth has become just as important as development and management of assets.”

匯豐(HSBC)北亞私人銀行業務聯席主管凱文•赫伯特(Kevin Herbert)在其位於匯豐大樓的13層辦公室裏表示:“讓這些家族企業的家長們夜不成寐的是下一代的繼承問題。我們的客戶在不同的司法管轄地有許多資產,因此規劃這種財富變得和資產的開發及管理同樣重要。”匯豐大樓由諾曼•福斯特(Norman Foster)設計。

Despite their natural affinity for local initial public offerings and investment deals, Asian clients have “woken up to the opportunity” offered by the developed markets of the US, Europe and Australia, he says.


“Li Ka-shing may be selling assets in China, but he still holds a tremendous number of assets there,” Mark Mobius, chairman of the Templeton Emerging Markets Group, recently told a dinner gathering of private banking heads in Singapore’s Fullerton Hotel.

鄧普頓新興市場集團(Templeton Emerging Markets Group)董事長麥樸思(Mark Mobius)最近在新加坡浮爾頓酒店(Fullerton Hotel)的私人銀行業高管晚宴上表示:“李嘉誠或許在出售中國的資產,但他在那裏仍有大量的資產。”

“Like any wise investor, he is diversifying; he is in Europe, the US and other parts of the world. But there is still an incredibly high amount of growth left in China.”


Many in the wealth management industry say the diversification trend is now unstoppable. “Families are diversifying their assets away from Asia to Europe. This is much broader than just a handful of tycoons in Hong Kong or mainland China,” says Toby Pittaway, who heads the Asia wealth and asset management practice at Oliver Wyman, the consultancy, in Singapore.

許多財富管理行業內的人士表示,多元化如今已成爲不可抗拒的趨勢。奧緯諮詢(Oliver Wyman)駐新加坡的亞洲財富和資產管理業務主管託比•皮特韋(Toby Pittaway)表示:“許多家族正在將資產多元化,減少在亞洲的配置,增加歐洲資產。這種情況是較爲多見的,不僅僅是發生在香港或中國內地的少數幾個大亨身上。”

The shift is accelerating. Given the uncertainty around the renminbi, the Chinese currency, and the future for domestic stocks, more and more Asian investors are seeking advice on global portfolio diversification, he says.


In particular, Chinese households are looking for ways to exchange renminbi-denominated assets for US dollar holdings, says Ning Zhu, deputy dean at the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF). Many, having used up their annual $50,000 foreign currency quotas, are turning to “internet financing companies” specialising in international investments, which are fast becoming China’s new wealth management platforms.


“Chinese wealth is still severely underdiversified in terms of both currency and geographical regions,” says Zhu. “But the market crash has shaken many domestic investors’ confidence in the regulators’ ability to deliver what they once promised.”


International banks are benefiting from this asset shift, he says. While domestic investments are seen as run of the mill, Chinese entrepreneurs and officials are becoming more willing to pay US and Swiss banks in Hong Kong to recommend allocations and give advice on investing overseas.


In the past, wealthy Asian customers bought apartments in Hong Kong, Singapore, China and Thailand, says Michel Longhini, chief executive of private banking at Switzerland’s Union Bancaire Privée, which recently bought the Asian division of Coutts, the UK wealth manager.

瑞士聯合私立銀行(Union Bancaire Privée,簡稱UBP)的私人銀行業務首席執行官龍基利(Michel Longhini)表示,在過去,富裕的亞洲客戶在香港、新加坡、中國內地和泰國購買公寓。瑞士聯合私立銀行最近收購了英國財富管理公司Coutts的亞洲分公司。

“Today, these clients are seeing these same kinds of opportunities in Spain, where there is significant rebuilding activity,” he says.


Swiss banks are doing brisk business with local clients in Hong Kong, some of whom spread their accounts between up to 40 private banks.


Vincent Duhamel, head of Asia for Lombard Odier, mentions one Hong Kong tycoon, who, despite taking high risks, has built up a successful business over three decades and has recently become a client of the bank, attracted by its safe, traditional image.

隆巴德•奧迪耶(Lombard Odier)的亞洲業務主管樊尚•迪阿梅爾(Vincent Duhamel)舉了一位香港大亨的例子。這位大亨儘管冒了很大的風險,但他在過去30年裏創業成功,最近受到該行安全、傳統形象的吸引而成爲其客戶。

“We told him that we cannot compete with his returns, growing assets 30 per cent each year for 30 years,” says Duhamel. “But we can put a bit aside and give him a solid, but not excessive, return for a long period of time. The only guarantee is that we will still be here 30 years from now, and we will not allow any other activities to distract us.”


Asian businesses’ preference for buying property in southern Europe rather than investing their money in Greater China stems partly from the increasing unpredictability of the Chinese authorities.


“There are too many imponderables when the authorities start to intervene in the market,” says Roger Bacon, the Hong Kong-based head of managed investments for Asia at Citi Private Bank.

花旗私人銀行(Citi Private Bank)駐香港的亞洲優選投資主管羅傑•培根(Roger Bacon)表示:“當中國當局開始在市場上干預時,就有太多不可估量的因素了。”

Recent market meddling includes the notorious “circuit breaker”, a mechanism designed to stop free-falling prices. It was triggered twice in one week at the beginning of January when stocks fell 7 per cent during a trading session. Rather than calming investors, traders panicked even more, the mechanism was suspended and Xiao Gang, chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the regulator, tendered his resignation.


This follows last year’s reprimands to ICBC bank staff for hosting extravagant dinners, and the detention of a number of China’s business tycoons “to assist the authorities with their investigations”, according to the official line usually given.


“There is a new self-confidence, a badge of honour, mixed with a sense of entitlement among the princelings running China’s private equity funds,” says Anant Deboor, head of the Singapore office at The Partners branding consultancy, of the financial practices of the “Fuerdai”, Mandarin for China’s second generation of wealthy. “But sometimes there is a dark side to this.”

品牌諮詢機構The Partners的新加坡辦公室負責人阿南•德波(Anant Deboor)在談到中國“富二代”的金融活動時表示:“中國運營私人股本基金的‘太子黨’有一種新的自信和榮譽感,伴隨着一種特權意識,但有時也有陰暗的一面。”

Some Asian asset managers, even in the relatively liberal Chinese special administrative region of Hong Kong, are ready to praise the harsh regulatory regime.


“Participants in ‘rat trading’ are being locked up,” says Peng Choy, chief executive of Harvest Global Investments, the international arm of one of China’s leading fund houses, referring to the practice of traders buying stocks on their personal accounts before a purchase for their asset management company.

嘉實國際資產管理公司(HGI)行政總裁蔡秉華(Peng Choy)表示:“現在正在抓‘老鼠倉’的參與者。”他指的是交易員利用個人賬戶搶在其所在資產管理公司買入某隻股票之前買入的行爲。香港嘉實國際資產管理公司是中國一家主要基金公司嘉實基金旗下的國際子公司。

“Some people think they can bribe their way up, but that is history and these are the people going to jail today. China is coming out of the old school as more and more international investors invest in the market and expect transparency.”


Choy is a fan of some of the mechanisms designed to control market movements, saying circuit breakers that limit stock price surges prevent retail investors from revelling in, what he calls, “intraday euphoria”.


But many commentators consider the regulators of these activities to be out of touch. “Chinese people do not trust the regulators, not due to their lack of fiduciary concern or because they think they are ill-willed, but because they are not educated or connected to markets,” says Charles Chang, a finance professor at SAIF in Shanghai.

但許多評論員認爲這些活動的監管機構不瞭解市場。上海高級金融學院的金融學教授張純信(Charles Chang)表示:“中國人不信任監管機構,這不是因爲後者缺乏信託責任或者是因爲他們認爲監管機構心懷惡意,而是因爲這些監管機構沒有接受過培訓或者與市場脫節。”

He gives the latest austerity drive as an example. Over the past three years, government officials have been banned from taking part in education programmes at both domestic and foreign business schools, which are equated with pursuing a luxury lifestyle, says Chang.


“The irony is that these are exactly the type of people who need to be educated, but are now disqualified from these programmes. How are they supposed to learn why circuit breakers don’t work or how an IPO is registered and structured?”


This disappointment is echoed by institutional investors such as Alberto Forchielli, a prolific blogger and managing partner at Mandarin Capital, the private equity firm.

高產的博客作者、私人股本公司曼達林基金(Mandarin Capital)管理合夥人傅格禮(Alberto Forchielli)等機構投資者也表達出同樣的失望。

“The Chinese are disenchanted and think that the old bureaucracy that went into retirement with the current government was more capable than the one they have now,” says Forchielli, who describes the Chinese as speculative but prudent investors, prepared to spread their risk internationally. “As long as China offered higher marginal returns, they were willing to twist their portfolio more towards China, but now the game is over.”


Emigration has also contributed to the diversification trend. Many wealthy Chinese families regard the US, UK or Australian as desirable places to live, offering personal security, better-quality education for their children and a higher standard of healthcare.


Among the most popular emigration routes is the US EB-5 visa, which provides a green card for foreign nationals investing a minimum of $500,000 in US infrastructure projects.


“These investment projects are 100 per cent about getting the green card,” says Young Min Ban, director of the Delaware Valley Regional Center.

特拉華山谷區域中心(Delaware Valley Regional Center)總監潘永民表示:“這些投資項目百分百都與獲得綠卡有關。”

Ban spends three months of the year in Asia, working predominantly with mainland Chinese clients he matches to US job-creation projects in infrastructure.


As yet, it appears to be only the younger generation who want to emigrate. “From what I see, older wealthy Chinese do not want to leave. They use the EB-5 scheme to allow their children to continue in higher education,” says Ban, who estimates that there are at least 250,000 students from mainland China in the US. “Successful business people in their 40s like their life in China.”


Indeed, the lure of returns from business and investments in China will remain strong. The country has become one of the foremost destinations for Temasek, Singapore’s influential state investment company. Chinese investments account for 27 per cent of its S$266bn ($190bn) portfolio.


The fund was previously regarded as championing Singapore’s economy above others. However, some expect China to eventually overtake Singapore as its biggest investment market, buoyed by a new tier of start-up entrepreneurs, including a tech-savvy, returning diaspora.


“We think that China’s innovation, especially the internet business model, has taken the lead on a global scale and new advantages have arisen,” says Wu Yibing, Temasek’s head of China. He cites the “cutting-edge” positions of technology companies such as Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent.


“We believe there will be more and more global corporate champions emerging from China, such as Didi Kuaidi [the smartphone-based taxi service], in which we have invested.”

“我們相信,中國將會出現越來越多的全球冠軍企業,比如我們投資的滴滴快的(Didi Kuaidi)。”滴滴快的是一家基於智能手機的叫車服務公司。

As much as these Asian institutions are searching for the next Facebook in Silicon Valley, they are also keeping their eyes focused on China. Missing the next Li Ka-shing would resonate for generations to come.



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