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雙語財經新聞 第61期:談談你自己的情況(2)

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3. Tie your response to the needs of the hiring organization.

雙語財經新聞 第61期:談談你自己的情況(2)

Don’t assume that the interviewer will be able to connect all the dots, it is your job as the interviewee to make sure the interviewer understands how your experiences are transferable to the position they are seeking to fill.

不要假定面試官能將所有瑣碎的信息連在一起。作爲求職者,確保面試官明白 你的工作經歷符合他們所提供的這個職位,這是你的工作。

Sample tie-in: Because of my proven experience in leading sales teams, Craig Brown suggested I contact you regarding your need for a sales manager. Craig filled me in on the challenges your sales department is facing.


售經理,便建議我與你們接觸一下。克雷格對我說起了你們的銷售部門正面臨挑戰 一事。

4. Ask an insightful question.


By asking a question you gain control of the interview. Don’t ask a question for the sake of asking. Be sure that the question will engage the interviewer in a conversation. Doing so will alleviate the stress you may feel to perform.

通過問一個問題,可以使你掌控這次面試。不要爲了提問而提問。要確保這個 問題能夠使面試官與你進行交流。這樣做能夠減輕你可能會感覺到的壓力。

Sample question: What strategies are currently underway to increase sales and morale within the safes department?



There you have it — a response that meets the needs of the interviewer and supports your agenda.


In fact, answering the question effectively gives you the opportunity to talk about your strengths, achievements, and qualifications for the position. So take this golden opportunity and run with it!

實際上,有效地回答這個問題能夠給你機會談論自己的能力、成就和擔任這個 職務的資格。因此,抓住這個珍貴的機會,盡情發揮吧!