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WeePing Woman Of Sudetenland


This photo of a weeping Sudeten woman is one of the most controversial photographs of World War II. It was also a propaganda tool used by both the Allies and the Nazis. The photograph was taken in Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, in October 1938 after the city was captured and annexed by Germany just before World War II officially began. The photograph shows a weeping Sudeten woman raising one of her arms to salute the invading German troops while the other hand holds a handkerchief over one of her tear-filled eyes.



The photograph appeared in different newspapers in different countries with different captions. It was first published by a German newspaper, Volkischer Beobachter, which said that the Sudeten woman was so overjoyed by the advancing German soldiers that she could not hide her feelings. In the United States, one newspaper said that the women could not hide her misery as she "dutifully" saluted Hitler.

這張照片出現在不同國家的不同報刊上,並被附上了不同的解讀。第一個發表該照片的是德國一家報社《人民觀察報》(Volkischer Beobachter,納粹黨報),報道稱這個蘇臺德婦女看到列隊前行的德國戰士無法掩飾自己激動不已的心情,喜極而泣;而美國一家報社則稱該婦女難掩內心苦楚,卻又不得不"忠誠地"向希特勒揮手致敬。

Weeping Frenchman


十幅引人注目的二戰照片(2) 第2張

In the summer of 1940, German soldiers rolled into Paris, marking the defeat of France and the beginning of "Les Annee Noires" also known as "The Dark Years." By the time the German soldiers began moving in, the French government had already abandoned the city and fled to Bordeaux in southern France, which was their last stronghold. The exact date the picture was taken is disputed. While it originally appeared in 1941, it is believed to have been taken in 1940. The man in the picture is believed to be Monsieur Jerome Barrett, who was crying as the flags of France made their way through Marseilles on their way to Africa.

1940年仲夏,德軍攻入巴黎,標誌着法國戰敗,也象徵着"黑暗時代"(譯註:"Les Annee Noires" 也被稱爲"The Dark Years")的到來。德軍開始進攻之前,當局政府早就已棄城逃亡,撤退到法國南部的波爾多市(Bordeaux),那是他們最後的據點。該照片的拍攝日期尚未明確。它於1941年初次亮相,但人們卻認爲這張照片應是攝於1940年。法國淪陷之後,國旗經過馬賽被運送至非洲的法屬殖民地,照片中正爲此事悲泣的男人應該是傑羅姆·巴雷特先生(Monsieur Jerome Barrett)。

The defeat of France during World War II was shocking as well as disappointing. Prior to the war, it was believed that France had the best army in the whole of Europe. After France fell to Germany, Adolf Hitler insisted that the documents to acknowledge the surrender of France must be signed in the Compiegne Forest, inside the same railroad car Germany had signed the documents of its own surrender in at the end of World War I. The railroad car was already in a museum, but it was removed and taken to the forest so the documents could be signed.

二戰中,法國的戰敗令人膽戰心驚而又失望至極。戰前的法軍曾是歐洲公認的最驍勇善戰的一支軍隊。法國戰敗後,阿道夫·希特勒堅持要把簽訂法國投降書的地點安排在貢比涅森林(Compiegne Forest)中的一節列車車廂內。因爲一戰結束時,德國曾作爲戰敗方在這節車廂裏簽訂了投降書。當時這節車廂已然爲博物館所收藏,但還是被搬回森林以舉行投降儀式。



十幅引人注目的二戰照片(2) 第3張

The atomic bombs that went off over Hiroshima and Nagasaki are sometimes said to be the first nuclear weapons. Actually, the two bombs weren't the first—they were just the first nuclear weapons deployed to kill and destroy. The first atomic bomb ever made was the Gadget (photograph above). It was completed and tested weeks before two other atomic bombs went off over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The test, called Trinity, was carried out at the Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range, known today as White Sands Missile Range, in New Mexico.

人們往往將兩顆投放於廣島、長崎兩市的原子彈視爲第一代核武器。事實上,它們僅僅是"第一代"用於戰爭的核武器。"小玩意"(the Gadget, 見上圖)纔是原子彈的鼻祖。早在這兩顆原子彈投放之前,"小玩意"(the Gadget)已經成功研製並順利通過測試。該測試名爲"三位一體核試"(Trinity),於新墨西哥州(New Mexico)的阿拉莫戈多導彈靶場(Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range)進行。該靶場即如今的白沙導彈靶場(White Sands Missile Range)。

The bomb was placed on a forest service watchtower 30 meters (100 ft) tall. Three bunkers were constructed 9,000 meters (29,000 ft) away from the tower so that the impending explosion could be observed. In the early hours of July 16, 1945, the Gadget went off. The resulting explosion sent shock waves through the desert, vaporizing the tower and producing a gigantic mushroom cloud 12,000 meters (40,000 ft) high. It produced a flash brighter than 10 Suns. The flash was so bright that it was seen in all of New Mexico and parts of Arizona, Texas, and Mexico. The heat produced was so severe that observers 16 kilometers (10 mi) away compared it to standing in front of a "roaring" fireplace.

該枚原子彈放置於一座高30米(100英尺)的林務局瞭望塔內。距離塔身9000米(29000英尺)處建有三個掩體,旨在觀測將要發生的核爆炸。1945年7月16日凌晨,"小玩意"(the Gadget)爆炸了。爆炸產生的衝擊波穿越了整片沙漠,整座瞭望塔瞬間化爲虛無,一朵高爲12000米(40000英尺)的巨型蘑菇雲直衝天際。爆炸瞬間產生的亮光遠超10個太陽散發的光亮。整個新墨西哥州(New Mexico)連同亞利桑那州(Arizona)、德克薩斯州(Texas)及墨西哥州(Mexico)部分地區都能看到亮如白晝的光芒。爆炸同時釋放出極高的熱能,根據離爆炸點16千米(10英里)遠的觀察員描述,他們當時彷彿置身於一個"熊熊燃燒"的壁爐前。

Warsaw Ghetto Boy


十幅引人注目的二戰照片(2) 第4張

We've already talked about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, when Jews in Warsaw, Poland, launched a 10-day revolt against German soldiers. The Jews knew quite well that they would be defeated, but they didn't want to give up without a fight. "The Warsaw ghetto boy" is the name given to a young Jewish boy, not more than 10 years old, who was arrested by German soldiers in the ghetto after the uprising had been crushed. The unidentified boy's hands were raised in the air while a German soldier pointed a machine gun at him. Although the photograph is one of the most circulated images of the Holocaust, no one knows who the boy is or what happened to him.

我們都知道華沙猶太人起義(Warsaw Ghetto Uprising),當時波蘭華沙的猶太人發動起義,與德軍對抗十天之久。猶太人知道起義肯定會失敗,但是他們不想連一次反抗都沒有就這樣坐以待斃。"華沙猶太小男孩"指的是一個不滿十歲的猶太小男孩,他在那次起義失敗後被德國士兵抓進了"猶太區"。照片中,這個身份不明的小男孩雙手舉起,一名德國士兵拿槍瞄準了他。儘管這張照片是大屠殺時期流傳得最廣的照片,但是依然沒有人知道他是誰,也沒人知道他發生了什麼。

Some sources say he was gassed to death at Treblinka camp, while others say he survived. In 1999, a man named Avrahim Zeilinwarger contacted an Israeli museum saying that the boy was his son, Levi Zeilinwarger, who was gassed to death in a concentration camp in 1943. In 1978, an unnamed man contacted the Jewish Chronicle saying that the boy was his son. In 1977, a woman named Jadwiga Piesecka claimed that the boy was Artur Dab Siemiatek, who was born in 1935. In 1982, a New York ear, nose, and throat specialist claimed that he could be the boy, although he himself doubted it. While he was arrested in Warsaw, he had never been to the ghetto. Besides, he was arrested on July 13, 1943, months after the picture is said to have been taken.

一些消息說他在特雷布林卡集中營(Treblinka camp)被毒氣殺死,也有人說他活了下來。1999年,一個叫亞伯拉罕(Avrahim Zeilinwarger)的男士聯繫了以色列博物館,說這個小男孩是他的兒子利瓦伊(Levi Zeilinwarger)已於1943年死於集中營的毒氣室。1978年,一位不知名的男士聯繫猶太紀事報(Jewish Chronicle)也說小男孩是他的孩子。1977年,一位叫雅德維加(Jadwiga Piesecka)的女士聲稱這個小男孩叫阿特(Artur Dab Siemiatek),出生於1935年。1982年,一位紐約耳鼻喉專科醫生說自己很可能就是照片中的小男孩,不過他也不是很確定。雖然他也曾在華沙被捕,但從來沒有在猶太區待過。此外,他是在1943年7月13號被捕的,比這張照片拍攝的時間晚了幾個月。

審稿:Freya然 校對:CMX