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Q: I have been invited to what promises to be an incredible wedding by a friend from college.


I’m delighted that she still considers me close enough to be on the guest list and I really want to go. I want to show my appreciation and regard by dressing well and bringing a gift.


This sounds awful, but I am worried about the expense, as I am skint. Attending involves travel and an overnight stay. I can’t turn up without a present, and the whole thing could come to 500 Euro, but I’m barely scraping by at the moment.

我知道,這聽起來糟透了,但是我現在就是個窮光蛋,我擔心我負擔不了去參加我朋友婚禮的開銷.如果我要參加她的婚禮,我要負擔車旅費以及住宿, 不僅如此,我還需要準備一份禮物.所有費用加起來估計要500歐左右(約人民幣4000元),但我自己現在的生活也很艱難,幾乎是勉強度日。

I’m totally stressed out about this, so should I make an excuse and say I will be away?


A Never let a lack of funds stop you from living life fully, especially when it’s a once-in-a-lifetime event like this. Maybe you are secretly a little embarrassed and insecure at having an unsettled life, while your friend is embarking on the seeming solidity of marriage with an expensive celebration.

千萬不要因爲囊中羞澀影響了你擁抱生活中的美好事物權利, 特別是在這種生命中極爲珍貴的時刻。你去參加你朋友的婚禮,在你內心深處可能覺得會有些許尷尬,畢竟你自己還在創業,生活並不穩定,而你的朋友走上了婚姻殿堂,正在開始她的幸福人生。

If so, stop feeling sorry for yourself and think of the bride. What’s important to her is you. “These days, weddings are more intimate so people don’t invite you unless they really want you there,” says wedding planner Rosie Meleady. Couples know times are tough and, in Meleady’s experience, many write on their invitation: “Your presence is our present.”


The top wedding gift is cash, and your friend won’t register whether you have given a stuffed envelope until after the honeymoon, when she sits down to write thank-you notes. So you can be the first in with a thank-you note to her, describing how wonderful the wedding was and including some photographs you have taken. At the bottom of the note, you can say: “I haven’t got you a present yet, but look forward to a surprise on your first anniversary.”


For wardrobe solutions, Facebook is your closet. People have dresses and shoes they are happy to lend.


The simplest dress can be made wedding-ready with borrowed accessories. Connect via Facebook with other invitees and ask for lifts and a space on someone’s floor. You can do all this for little or nothing if you think creatively.

通過網絡,你還可以借到漂亮的首飾來裝扮你自己,讓你看起來更有婚禮貴賓範兒。 聯繫其他被邀請者,看看是否有順風車可以搭,同時,否問問是有機會成爲誰的沙發客。總之只要有想法,你會花很少的錢辦很多事的。