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Hilary Clinton has lashed out at Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg over the damaging effects the platform has had on democracy around the world.



As the Guardian reports, Clinton did not hold back when she spoke at a screening of Netflix’s The Great Hack, a documentary about the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal.

《衛報》報道希拉里在網飛的關於Facebook和劍橋分析公司醜聞的紀錄片《The Great Hack》的活動上毫不隱瞞地做出評論。

There, Clinton told the crowd Zuckerberg “should pay a price” for the harm Facebook is doing to democracy, specifically in regards to Zuckerberg’s choice to allow people to run political ads on Facebook that contain outright lies.

活動上希拉里對觀衆說扎克伯格應該爲Facebook 對民主黨做出的傷害“付出代價”,尤其是扎克伯格選擇允許人們在Facebook上運行政治廣告,其中不乏徹頭徹尾的謊言。

Clinton pointed out that by Zuckerberg allowing this, it will have an impact on upcoming elections around the globe, including the 2020 U.S. presidential election.


The former presidential candidate said she could already foresee Facebook’s negative impact on upcoming elections “because propaganda works,” and she predicted that by allowing such misinformation to continue to spread on its platform its effects are “only going to be more powerful going forward because it is more well tested. They know what they were successful at.”


When asked about the Zuckerberg’s closed-door meeting with President Trump before he announced that Facebook would not ban lies in political ads, Clinton expressed concern that Zuckerberg had not just met with Trump, but other politically like-minded figures including representatives of Breitbart and with Fox New’s Tucker Carlson. “If I were of a conspiratorial mindset, I might suggest that there seems to be some connection,” Clinton noted.

被問及扎克伯格和特朗普總統祕密會見之後宣佈Facebook不會禁止包含謊言的政治廣告時,希拉里表示擔心扎克伯格不僅僅是見了特朗普,還有其他有同樣政治思想的人,如Breitbart(新聞網站)的代表和福克斯新聞主播Tucker Carlson。希拉里表示:“如果我是個陰謀家,那我可能會說這之間有聯繫。”

“When Facebook is the principal news source for more than half of the American people, and the only source of news that most of them pay any attention to, and if it announces that it has no responsibility for the airing of false ads . . .” Clinton said, “how are you supposed to get accurate information about anything, let alone candidates running for office?”
