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G20杭州峯會於9月5日下午閉幕。本屆峯會期間,習近平主席在B20主旨演講和G20開閉幕致辭等一系列重要講話中,闡述“中國主張”,給出“中國答案”,爲世界經濟開出“藥方”。 杭州峯會達成了哪些共識和成果?1個“信號”、3個“方向”、4個“藥方”,5點“決心”,數讀G20杭州峯會各項成果,乾貨全在這裏!



The G20 works for the interest of not just its 20 members, but the whole world. We will work to ensure that growth and development benefit all countries and peoples and that livelihood of all people, especially those in developing countries, will get better day by day.



1. 不是要一家唱獨角戲,而是要歡迎各方共同參與
China’s opening drive is not a one-man show. Rather, it is an invitation open to all.

2. 不是謀求勢力範圍,而是要支持各國共同發展
It is a pursuit not to establish China’s own sphere of influence, but to support common development of all countries.

3. 不是要營造自己的後花園,而是要建設各國共享的百花園
It is meant to build not China’s own backyard garden, but a garden shared by all countries.



1. 共同維護和平穩定的國際環境。 
We can work together to build a peaceful and stable international environment.

2. 共同構建合作共贏的全球夥伴關係。
We can work together to build a global partnership for win-win cooperation.

3. 共同完善全球經濟治理。
We can work together to improve global economic governance.



1. 建設創新型世界經濟,開闢增長源泉。
We need to build an innovative world economy to generate new drivers of growth.

2. 建設開放型世界經濟,拓展發展空間。
We need to build an open world economy to expand the scope of development.

3. 建設聯動型世界經濟,凝聚互動合力。 
We need to build an interconnected world economy to forge interactive synergy.

4. 建設包容型世界經濟,夯實共贏基礎。
We need to build an inclusive world economy to strengthen the foundation for win-win outcomes.



1. 這是探索前行的進程。
This is a course of blazing a new trail.

2. 這是真抓實幹的進程。
This is a course of delivering tangible outcomes.

3. 這是共同富裕的進程。
This is a course of achieving common prosperity.

4. 這是中國走向世界、世界走向中國的進程。
This is a course of China and the world embracing each other.



1. 共同構建公正高效的全球金融治理格局,維護世界經濟穩定大局。
Jointly ensure equitable and efficient global financial governance, and uphold the overall stability of the world economy.

2. 共同構建開放透明的全球貿易和投資治理格局,鞏固多邊貿易體制,釋放全球經貿投資合作潛力。
Jointly foster open and transparent global trade and investment governance to cement the multilateral trade regime, and unleash the potential of global cooperation in economy, trade and investment.

3. 共同構建綠色低碳的全球能源治理格局,推動全球綠色發展合作。
Jointly establish green and low-carbon global energy governance to promote global green development cooperation.

4. 共同構建包容聯動的全球發展治理格局,以落實聯合國2030年可持續發展議程爲目標,共同增進全人類福祉!
Jointly facilitate an inclusive and interconnected global development governance to implement the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and jointly promote the wellbeing of mankind.



1. 與時俱進,發揮引領作用
The G20 must keep up with the changing times and lead the way forward.

2. 知行合一,採取務實行動
The G20 should fully honor its commitment.

3. 共建共享,打造合作平臺。
The G20 should become a platform of cooperation built through joint efforts that delivers benefits to all.

4. 同舟共濟,發揚夥伴精神
The G20 should stick together as partners in meeting challenges.



1. 堅定不移全面深化改革,開拓更好發展前景。
We will steadfastly deepen reform in an all-round way and open up brighter prospects of development.

2. 堅定不移實施創新驅動發展戰略,釋放更強增長動力。
We will pursue an innovation-driven development strategy to create stronger growth drivers.

3. 堅定不移推進綠色發展,謀求更佳質量效益。
We will promote green development to achieve better economic performance.

4. 堅定不移推進公平共享,增進更多民衆福祉。
We will promote equity and sharing of development outcomes to deliver more benefits to the people.

5. 堅定不移擴大對外開放,實現更廣互利共贏。
We will open up wider to achieve greater mutual benefit and win-win outcomes.



1. 加強宏觀經濟政策協調,合力促進全球經濟增長、維護金融穩定。
We should strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination and jointly promote global growth and uphold international financial stability.

2. 創新發展方式,挖掘增長動能。
We should break a new path for growth and generate new growth momentum.

3. 完善全球經濟治理,夯實機制保障。
We should improve global economic governance and strengthen institutional safeguards.

4. 建設開放型世界經濟,繼續推動貿易和投資自由化便利化。
We should build an open global economy and continue to promote facilitation and liberalization of trade and investment.

5. 落實2030年可持續發展議程,促進包容性發展。
We should implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and promote inclusive development.



1. 決心爲世界經濟指明方向,規劃路徑
Determined to set out the direction, targets and steps of G20 cooperation and depict the blueprint for future world economy.

Determined to break a new path for growth to inject new dynamism into the world economy.

Determined to improve global economic and financial governance to enhance the resilience of the world economy.

Determined to revitalize international trade and investment as the key engines of growth and build an open world economy.

Determined to promote inclusive and interconnected development, so that G20 cooperation will deliver benefits to the whole world.
