
首頁 > 口語英語 > 實用生活英語口語 > 美語情景對話 第1284期:What animals are dangerous in your country? 在你的國傢什麼動物比較危險?

美語情景對話 第1284期:What animals are dangerous in your country? 在你的國傢什麼動物比較危險?

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Jingwei: Hi, I'm Jingwei.


Joseph: I'm Joseph.


Jingwei: We're both from Singapore. The question today is...


Joseph: Well, are there any dangerous animals in your country?


Jingwei: Huh, we don't see much animals. Snakes probably. Or the monitor lizard. It's a huge lizard. It can grow up to maybe four meters.


Joseph: I guess, but like when our canoeist paddle in the reservoir, they see the monitor lizards frequently but they are rather docile to be honest, so they wouldn't be one of the more dangerous animals to me. To me one of the most dangerous animals would probably be the household cat.


Jingwei: The household cat.


Joseph: Well ...


Jingwei: The domesticated cat?


Joseph: Yep, I mean, you look at it and it's all cute and you don't think it can do anything, and then suddenly like, whoa, it jumps out of nowhere. Yeah, it can be pretty dangerous.


Jingwei: That's because you scare them.


Joseph: Well, I guess it's kind of my fault. But yeah, cat's can be really dangerous if you don't handle them well.


美語情景對話 第1284期:What animals are dangerous in your country? 在你的國傢什麼動物比較危險?


1. up to 高達;多達;
例句:Over the next 22 years, it says, the region will need up to nine trillion dollars in new infrastructure to meet its energy needs.
2. to be honest 老實說;說實在的;
例句:To be honest, he is too aggressive.
3. out of nowhere 突然(發生);一下子(冒出來);
例句:I was in the garden, and he appeared out of nowhere.




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