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Jessica: Hey Claire, you look sad. What's up?

Claire: I guess I am a bit depressed.

J: Having a bad hair day?

C: (Chuckle) No, that' not it.

J: Come on. You can confide in me. I know how to keep a secret.

C: OK... but you really have to keep this to yourself. I don't want to cause trouble.

J: Wow. Sounds serious!

C: You know my boss, Kevin?

J: Sure...I've met him at a couple of company functions.

Jessica開玩笑,問Clare情緒低落是不是having a bad hair day. 說某人have a bad hair day意思是因爲不順,心情不好。 Jessica說自己嘴很嚴,所以Clair可以confide in me, 把祕密告訴我。Claire告訴Jessica說,事情跟自己的上司Kevin有關。聽起來好象挺嚴重。

C: Well, he keeps commenting on how pretty I am and he frequently touches my shoulders. He says I look tense and could use a massage.

J: And this makes you uncomfortable, right?

C: Yeah! I don't like it. I have a boyfriend and I'm not interested in Kevin at all. Plus, he's my boss and it's just a weird feeling!

J: That sounds like sexual harassment to me!

C: Really? Do you think it's that serious?

原來,Claire的上司Kevin經常誇她漂亮,還動手動腳,讓Claire很不舒服。Claire有男朋友,而且I'm not interested in Kevin, 對Kevin沒興趣,所以感覺很奇怪。Jessica肯定地說,這是性騷擾sexual harassment. 這麼說性質可就嚴重了。

J: The workplace is supposed to be a comfortable place to work in. You shouldn't have to be looking over your shoulder all day. It's the responsibility of a boss to make sure your workday is safe and productive.

C: Well, every time he comes out to speak to me, I worry he's going to do or say something that makes me uncomfortable.

J: That's sexual harassment and it's a crime!

Jessica說,工作單位應該安全、舒適,員工不需要隨時隨地提心吊膽。You shouldn't have to be looking over your shoulder all day. Claire承認,每次 Kevin 跟她講話,她都很緊張,生怕Kevin的舉止會讓自己感到彆扭。不過,她又說……

C: But overall he is a pretty good boss and most of the people in the office like him. I don't want to be the one to stir up trouble. Maybe I'm too sensitive.

J: Sexual harassment is a common problem. I remember I once had a boss who kept asking me out on a though I was married and wearing my wedding ring!

C: What did you do about it?

Claire說,Kevin總的來說是個不錯的老闆;大家都很喜歡他,所以I don't want to be the one to stir up trouble. 不想當那個挑起是非的人。Jessica說,性騷擾是個很常見的問題,自己就曾遇到過一個老闆,明知她已經結婚,還三番五次要跟她約會。Jessica是如何處理的呢?我們下次繼續聽。