
首頁 > 商務英語 > 實用英語 > 關於國慶節的相關英語單詞、句子你都會了嗎?


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· National Day 國慶節

· Public holiday 公衆假期

· It's the founding of People's Republic of China. 是中華人民共和國成立的日子

· It's a one-week-long holiday. 一週長假

· The Golden Week: 黃金週,但這並不是英語裏的常用詞


黃金週 golden week

閱兵military parade

國徽 National emblem

國旗 National flag

升旗儀式flag-rising ceremony

和平鴿 Dove of peace

放禮花explode fireworks

愛國熱情 patriotism

服務人民 Serve the people

英勇善戰 Brave and skillful in battle

忠誠於黨 Loyal to the Party

熱愛人民 Love people

報效國家 Serve the country

改革開放 Reform and opening-up

與時俱進 Advance with times.

科學發展 Scientific development

社會和諧 Social harmony

五星紅旗迎風飄揚 the five-star flag flutter in the wind

人民解放軍 People's Liberation Army

軍旗 People's Liberation Army flag

人民萬歲 Long live the Communist Party of people


1. Colorful neon lights were hung here and there during National Day. 國慶節期間到處掛着彩燈。

2. National Day falls on a Saturday this year. 今年國慶節是星期六。

3. The National Day is drawing closer. 國慶節快到了。

4. The National Day and the International Labor Day are great events in China. 國慶節和國際勞動節在中國是重大的節日

5. On National Day, red flags are hung out of every window.國慶節那天,每個窗口都掛出紅旗。

6. It's October 1 ( the first ) . It's National Day. 今天是十月一日, 國慶節。

7. Yes. Besides Spring Festival, National Day is another important holiday. 是的。但除了春節之外, 國慶節是另一個重要的節日。



golden week 黃金週

long weekend小長假Golden week for tourism 旅遊黃金週self-funded travel 自助遊group tour 跟團旅遊


1. Many articles are at a discount during National Day Golden Week. 國慶黃金週期間,有很多商品打折扣。

2. In a few more days, we will enjoy our golden week of National Day. 再過幾天, 我們就可以歡度我們的國慶黃金週。

3. At Golden Week, workers use this time to relax physically and mentally, regulating emotions.在黃金週期間, 勞動者利用這個時間放鬆身心,調節情緒。