
首頁 > 英語學習 > 英語學習方法 > 2019年5月18日雅思閱讀機經考前預測


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文章題目Aquaculture in New Zealand

重複年份20160114 20151031 20121124 20110212


題型小標題 7+人名理論配對 3+句子填空 3

文章大意新西蘭水產養殖,介紹了新西蘭一種新型保護海底動物多樣性兼顧商業運作 的方式一 aquaculture , 其發展遇到的問題及前景。



14. vi (一個受益的村莊)

15. vii (company’s profit)

16. 選含 limitation 的那項

17. 選含 concerns to environment 的那項

18. 選含 alternative explanation 的那項

19. 選含 research 的那項

20. 選含 science and business 的那項


24. polyculture/aquaculture

25. commercial partner

26. market value/high price


文章題目We have star performers

重複年份20160114 20121124


題型段落細節配對 4+判斷 4+填空 5

文章大意人才與天賦,討論人才和選人標準之間的論證。講公司考覈員工主要的依據, talents, 文章批判了傳統的觀點(才能是與生俱來的,是不變的,是需要公 司去發現的)。文章先用一段肯定了有才能的人的存在,然後分段講到,才 能是隨時間變化的,是不能被精確度量的,是可以憑努力換來的。



28 One example from non-commerce/business settings that better system wins bigger stars F

29 One failed company that believes stars rather than system B

30 One suggestion that author made to acquire employees then to win the competition nowadays G

31 One metaphor to human medical anatomy that illustrates the problems of hiring stars. C


32 McKinsey who wrote The War for Talent had not expected the huge influence made by this book. NG

33 Economic condition becomes one of the factors which decide whether or not a country would prefer to hire foreign employees. YES

34 The collapse of Enron is caused totally by a unfortunate incident instead of company’s management mistake. NO

35 Football clubs that focus making stars in YES


An investigation carried out on 1000 36 analysts of a survey by Harvard Business Review found a company hire a 37 star has negative effects. For instance, they behave considerably worse in a new team than in the 38 working environment that they used to be. They move faster than wall street and increase their 39 salary. Secondly, they faced rejections or refuse from those 40 rivals within the team. Lastly, the one who made mistakes had been punished by selling his/her stock share.


文章題目The influence of social network to people's loneliness

重複年份20140920 20130622


題型配對 6+選擇 4+判斷 4


交媒體使人變得更加孤獨,有些人卻不同意。在大學生中做了一個調查,結 果表明孤獨感與人們花時間在社交媒體上無關。社交媒體會使人變得焦慮, 也會讓人上癮。


Ethan Kross, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, suggests that his recent research shows that online social media use, rather than making us as users feel inter-connected, contributes to overall life dis-satisfaction and loneliness.

This side-effect can have drastic results, considering over 1.1 billion users around the world are linked up on Facebook alone.

The study monitored 82 participants’ feelings and well-being, compared to their social media use, over a long period of time. This kind of LONG TERM comparative research was the first of its kind to be conducted.

The main correlation result was: the more time spent on social media, the less happy you will be over time.

A separate study in 2010 conducted by Carnegie Mellon University discovered that when users are DIRECTLY interacting with social media friends, such as posting pictures and status updates, tagging photos, or liking things, their sociability and well-being increased.

However, the dangerous part of our social media use stems from the time we are passively consuming social media content, which represents a majority of user time spent on these platforms. This passive consumption of other peoples idealized vacations, days off, meals, boyfriends, family, etc. led users to feel lonely and unsatisfied with their own lives, despite how eschewed this perception of others lives ACTUALLY is.

Thus, social media has forced us to face a grave paradox: social media claims to be the platform that can connect users with their friends, family, community and the like within seconds, and this is true; however, never before have we experienced more isolation than we are now as a result. Our obsession with our digital social media lives is beginning to take precedence over our physical, here-and-now lives, resulting in our inability to interact with real people, and enjoy life’s current moments without being distracted by how this will be portrayed on social media.




在雅思閱讀考試中,大多數的細節題(TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN, Multiple choice, Summary)答案出現的順序都有規律可循。簡單的說都遵循順序原則,也就是每道題目在原文中出現的順序和題號的順序是一致的。例如:第一題會在第二題前面出現,第二題會在第三題前出現。但是這個規律只侷限於每道大題之內,各種題型間就不遵循這個規律了。

有的時候考生在解題時如果一時無法找到某道題目的答案位置,可將本道題目前後的題目答案都找到,前後兩道題中間相隔的部分就是本道題目的答案出處。例如:如果考生在題目中發現第一題的出處在文章A段,第二題的出處在文章C段,那麼就可以很快確定第二題的答案位置應該在A段第一題出處和C段第三題出處的中間。這樣不但可以幫助定位,還可以幫助解答NOT GIVEN選項。


在考試中,我們知道在雅思考試中考生需要在60 分鐘內完成3篇文章,40道雅思試題並且將答案完整的填寫在答卷紙上。極其有限的考試時間就要求學生在短時間內能找到答案的出處快速解題。在考場上,考生往往在時間較緊的情況下內心會更加緊張,促使其更難在短時間內找到需要的答案。

爲了保證考生的閱讀效率和質量,考生需要在題目中找到合適的單詞作爲回原文快速檢索答案的工具,這類詞往往要求不易替換,具有很好的識別性。在考試中一旦有了定位詞,大家就可以在找答案時改換逐字逐句閱讀變爲掃讀(scanning),這就意味着考生在完成閱讀答題時,不需要將原文中所有內容全部讀懂。 在選取完合適的定位詞後,在讀原文時找到含有這個定位詞的句子,等到確認句子後再仔細閱讀本句話。而這些定位詞如果識別性很強,那閱讀必將事半功倍。所以,選好合適的定位詞在閱讀考試中至關重要,以下爲雅思閱讀中定位詞選擇原則:

1. 儘量選擇較爲特殊的單詞,例如: 特殊名詞(人名、地名、時間、年代),特殊符號(引號、書名號、破折號)

2. 題目中不以替換、較爲容易識別的名詞

1 特殊名詞

1.1 人名


Indigenous Tasmanians used only four terms t indicates numbers of objects.


Evidence of early stages of arithmetic and numeration can be readily found. The indigenous peoples of Tasmania were only able to count one, two, many;

正確答案: False

錯誤定位詞: four

定位詞: Tasmanians

正確解法: 根據Tasmanians這個單詞在原文中可以找到原文中The indigenous peoples of Tasmania部分,雖然原文中的用詞Tasmania和 Tasmanians 有一定區別,但是大家會發現這兩個詞之間的同意替換關係很容易識別,所以這個單詞正是定位的關鍵詞。

老師解析:本題中解題的關鍵就是定位詞,在這個題目中如果考生能正確的選出Tasmanians這個定位詞就可以很快的找到Tasmania這個同義詞。那麼剩下的就是比較一下原文和題目。原文中是one ,two ,many而題目中是four,考生會發現是存在矛盾的。但是如果將定位詞選擇爲four,那麼本題就很難找到正確答案的出處。考生在判斷定位詞的時候應該注意,數字類的定位詞一般選取阿拉伯數字。如果定位詞是英文單詞則一般不考慮。如果考生沒有把握,完全可以將本題中的Tasmania和four 這兩個較爲特殊的名詞都作爲定位詞,以利解題。

1.2 數字


Only two Japanese pagodas have collapsed in 1400 years.


In a land swept by typhoons and shaken by earthquakes, how have Japan's tallest and seemingly flimsiest old buildings - 500 or so wooden pagodas - remained standing for centuries? Records show that only two have collapsed during the past 1400 years.


錯誤原因: 關注本題中的絕對化用詞only,認爲絕對化選項都是錯誤的。

正確答案: True


正確解法: 應將1400這個顯而易見的定位詞作爲標誌,回到原文中仔細比對。




Modern official athletic records date from about 1990.


Since the early years of the twentieth century, when the International Athletic Federation began keeping records, there has been a steady improvement in how fast athletes run, how high they jump and how far they are able to hurl massive objects, them-selves included, through space.

錯誤答案:Not Given

錯誤原因: 選取定位詞時選取了1990,在原文中尋找答案試時也只找1990.

正確答案: True


正確解法: 應將1900這個顯而易見的定位詞作爲標誌,原文中的第一句話中雖然沒有提及1900,但是第一句話中包含了the early years of twentieth century

老師解析: 這道題的殺傷力很大。很多考生很容易做錯這道題並且在本題上浪費大量的時間。這道題目是文章後的第一道題目,很多考生在定位時遲遲找不到本題的出處,在這道題目上浪費了大量的時間。

如果考生在考試中花了3分鐘還沒有解答出某道題目就應該果斷的放棄此題,考試中每道題目的分值都是相同的,沒有必要爲某些題目浪費過多的時間。舊本題而言,本題的定位詞1900 在原文中出現是替換成了twentieth century。這一同意替換較爲難識別。但如果考生有一定的詞彙基礎還是很容易發現的。未來的雅思考試中,較爲難的題目就將會是朝着定位詞也適當替換的方向發展。



Between 1983 and 1990, the numbers of patients visiting alternative therapists rose to include a further 8% of the population.

原文:Disenchantment with orthodox medicine has seen the popularity of alternative therapies in Australia climb steadily during the past 20 years. In a 1983 national health survey, 1.9% of people said they had contacted a chiropractor, naturopath, osteopath, acupuncturist or herbalist in the two weeks prior to the survey. By 1990, this figure had risen to 2.6% of the population.

錯誤答案:Not Given

錯誤原因: 選擇1983、1990、8%三個數字中的一個作爲定位詞

正確答案: False


正確解法: 應將1983、1990、8%三個數字全部作爲定位詞




Biomechanics specialists used theoretical models to :

A. soften the Fosbury flop

B. create the Fosbury flop

C. correct the Fosbury flop

D. explain the Fosbury flop


錯誤原因: 定位詞選取biomechanics

E. 正確定位詞: Fosbury flop

F. 正確解法: 應將Fosbury flop 作爲文中定位詞,在文中找出對應句子

老師解析: 這道題目的關鍵詞較爲特殊,並不是考生習慣中題目題幹中的成分。而是在選項中的成分。在這四個選項中,雖然動詞使用各不相同,但是名詞性成分Fosbury flop是完全相同的。考生會發現無論選擇哪一個答案,總是會和Fosbury flop相關。所以在這種情況下,定位詞就不應該選擇題目中的單詞了,而是選項中的單詞。