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AlphaGo最終以4:1戰勝李世石 AlphaGo conquers Korean grandmaster Lee Se dol

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Google’s AlphaGo computer system sealed a 4-1 victory over a South Korean Go grandmaster on Tuesday, in a landmark moment for the development of artificial intelligence.

AlphaGo最終以4:1戰勝李世石 AlphaGo conquers Korean grandmaster Lee Se-dol

週二,谷歌(Google)的AlphaGo計算機系統以4比1的總比分戰勝了韓國圍棋大師李世石(Lee Se-dol)。這是人工智能發展中的一個里程碑時刻。

Mastery of the east Asian game of Go was long seen as a stern challenge for computers given its huge complexity. AlphaGo’s creators estimate that there are about 250 potential moves at each point of a game, against 35 in chess, yielding a possible number of board configurations of 10 squared by 170.


Lee Se-dol, arguably the best player of the past decade, had expected to win a crushing victory, arguing that AlphaGo lacked the “intuition” needed to beat him. But the program won the first three games in the series, which began last Wednesday, before Mr Lee clawed back a victory on Sunday.


Tuesday’s final game was one of the closest: AlphaGo recovered from an early error to force Mr Lee into resignation in overtime, with each player having used up the allotted two hours.


The victory demonstrates the power of the “deep learning” systems employed by AlphaGo’s creators at DeepMind, a London-based start-up acquired by Google two years ago.


Go’s huge complexity rules out the “brute force” approach of IBM’s Deep Blue chess computer, which beat Garry Kasparov in 1997 by evaluating 200m positions per second. Instead, AlphaGo learned to recognise promising moves by playing huge numbers of Go matches against itself.

圍棋的巨大複雜性超出了IBM深藍(Deep Blue)國際象棋計算機“蠻力”方法的處理能力。1997年,每秒評估2億步的深藍戰勝了加里•卡斯帕羅夫(Garry Kasparov)。AlphaGo則是通過自己跟自己大量對弈,學會了如何推測對手可能的走法。

Demis Hassabis, DeepMind’s chief executive, said the series would enable his team to make further improvements to the system, which had some flaws exposed during the contest — notably when an unorthodox move by Mr Lee in the fourth match prompted AlphaGo to make a series of amateurish blunders.

DeepMind首席執行官傑米斯•哈薩比斯(Demis Hassabis)表示,此次對弈將使他的團隊能對AlphaGo系統進行更多改進。該系統在對弈過程中暴露出了一些缺陷——尤其是在第四局中,李世石走出了反常規的一步,導致AlphaGo出現一連串業餘選手般的失誤。

The system’s log showed that it had assessed the likelihood of Mr Lee’s move at less than one in 10,000, Mr Hassabis tweeted on Tuesday.


Mr Lee, meanwhile, refused to concede that the era of human supremacy in Go was at an end. “I don’t necessarily think AlphaGo is superior to me — there’s more that a human being can do against artificial intelligence,” he said. “I don’t feel this was a loss for human beings. It showed my weaknesses, not the weaknesses of humanity.”



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