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Facebook將面對股東集體訴訟 Facebook faces IPO class action lawsuits

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Facebook將面對股東集體訴訟 Facebook faces IPO class-action lawsuits

Facebook will face two class-action lawsuits after a federal judge said shareholders could pursue their case against the social network, which plaintiffs claim hid concerns about its growth forecasts ahead of its $16bn initial public offering.


The world’s largest social network cut its revenue forecasts in the middle of its IPO roadshow, ahead of the offering in May 2012, amid concerns that consumers were switching to using the site on mobile, where it was unclear if it could generate the same degree of growth from advertisements.


Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook chief executive, and Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook chief operating officer, are among the defendants at Facebook, being sued by two classes of investors — retail and institutional. The complaint was brought by three state and local retirement plans in the US, lead by the North Carolina state treasurer and five individual investors.

Facebook首席執行官馬克丠克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)和Facebook首席運營官謝里爾儠德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)均被列入Facebook一方的被告,他們被散戶和機構投資者這兩類投資者起訴。這一起訴由美國三個州政府和地方退休計劃提起,領頭的是北卡羅來納州財政部長和五名個人投資者。

Shares in Facebook collapsed following the IPO, falling almost 50 per cent in the first three months, as investors worried that it might never generate as much advertising revenue on mobile as it had from the desktop site.


However, improvements to the mobile app and marketers’ fast adoption of targeted advertising on Facebook, helped the company grow mobile revenue and it now generates more than three-quarters of its total advertising revenue from ads on mobile devices. Three and a half years on, Facebook’s stock has now soared almost 180 per cent from its first day of trading.



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