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ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Six people were arrested Sunday in connection with a terrorism investigation in Minnesota, where authorities have been tracking youths who have traveled or tried to travel to Syria to fight with militants, including the Islamic State group, authorities said.

聖保羅,明尼蘇達州 (美聯社)——週日在明尼蘇達州進行恐怖主義調查時有六人被捕,當局一直在明尼蘇達州追蹤前往敘利亞或試圖前往敘利亞抗擊激進分子(其中包括伊斯蘭國家組織)的年輕人,當局說。


A spokesman for the Minnesota U.S. Attorney's Office said the arrests were made in Minneapolis and San Diego but there is no threat to public safety. Spokesman Ben Petok did not give details about the charges. He said more information would be released Monday.

明尼蘇達州美國檢察官辦公室發言人說,是在明尼阿波利斯和聖地亞哥實施追捕的,但並沒有對公衆安全造成威脅。發言人Ben Petok沒有給出指控的相關細節。他說週一會發布更多信息。

The U.S. Attorney's Office and the FBI planned a news conference Monday to announce details. The news c nference was billed in a press release as an announcement of a joint terrorism task force operation.


Kyle Loven, spokesman for the Minneapolis office of the FBI, said six people were arrested Sunday but ga ve no further details. An FBI spokesman in San Diego referred questions to Loven.

Kyle Loven,明尼阿波利斯聯邦調査局辦公室發言人說週日有六人被捕,但沒有交代更多的細節。聖地亞哥聯邦調査局 的發言人也提供了同樣的說法。

Authorities say a handful of Minnesota residents have traveled to Syria to fight with militants within the last year. At least one Minnesotan has died while fighting for the Islamic State.


Since 2007, more than 22 young Somali men have also traveled from Minnesota to Somalia to join the mili ant group al-Shabab.


Angela Four Minnesotans have already been charged in connection with supporting terror groups in Syria, includi ng the Islamic State group.

四位明尼蘇達人已經因支持敘利亞(包括伊斯蘭國家組織 )的恐怖組織而被指控。

One man, 19-year-old Hamza Ahmed, had been stopped at a New York City airport in November as he and three others were attempting to travel to Syria. Ahmed has been indicted on charges of lying to the FBI during a terrorism investigation, conspiring to provide material support to the Islamic State group, and attempting to provide material support. He has pleaded not guilty.

19歲的哈姆扎·艾哈邁德(Hamza Ahmed),從11月起就一直呆在紐約機場。他和其他三人正試圖前往敘利亞。艾哈邁德(Hamza Ahmed)已經因以下罪名被起訴:在恐怖主義調查期間對聯邦調查局說謊;與他人合謀向伊斯蘭國家組織提供物質支持,和試圖提供物質支持。但他不承認自己有罪。

But there have been no public charges filed against his three companions, and little information had been released about them. An FBI affidavit said they are all between the ages of 19 and 20 and live in the Twin Cities.
