
首頁 > 英語閱讀 > 雙語新聞 > 74年的陪伴,女王的最後一隻柯基去世


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The Queen's last corgi, a 12-year-old called Whisper, has died following several weeks of illness.


The monarch adopted the dog two years ago after his owner, former Sandringham gamekeeper Bill Fenwick, passed away.

這隻狗原來的主人前桑德林厄姆守門員Bill Fenwick去世以後,女王收養了這隻狗兩年多。

According to the Daily Mail, the corgi died last week at Windsor Castle, leaving the Queen "deeply saddened".


"Whisper was a friendly chap and followed her everywhere," a source said.

知情人說,“Whisper 是一個友善的小傢伙,總是跟着女王到東到西。”

"The Queen has quickly become very attached to the dog."



The Queen still has two dorgis called Candy and Vulcan, who are crossbreeds between daschunds and corgis.


She received her first corgi as a gift on her 18th birthday, who she named Susan.


The Queen has owned more than 30 corgis since she became Queen of the United Kingdom in 1952, with all of them apart from Whisper related to Susan.


In April this year, the last of the Queen's royal corgis that could trace its lineage back to Susan passed away.


The Pembroke Welsh Corgi has an average lifespan of 11 to 13 years, explains Pet Health and Pet Nutrition Information.

根據寵物健康與寵物營養信息機構表示, 彭布羅克威爾士柯基的平均壽命是11到13年。