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It's time to remind myself what I love about life here in California, USA, to remember what I desperately miss when I go home.


Real radio


In the USA there are so many radio stations that those iPod tuner things don't work at all. There is, simply, no dead air. For a while, I hated that, because my iPod wouldn't play in my car, and all the stations drove me mad with constant advertising.


It took me a while to discover the USA's many public radio stations, which don't broadcast any adverts.


KCRW is my favourite station, for its blend of indie music and current affairs. But I also listen to KJAZZ and KPCC. But before you feel jealous - it's all online. My favourites: American Life, Snap Judgement and Henry Rollins live every Saturday night. Take a listen online for free.

KCRW是我最喜歡的電臺,提供獨立音樂和時事播報服務,還有KJAZZ和KPCC我也很喜歡,不用嫉妒,在網上你們也可以聽得到,我最喜歡的節目有三個,美國生活,草率判斷,還有每週六的Herny Rollins。網上聽皆免費

News? Well, there's not a lot of news from South Africa, and when it is, it's bad and full of fear, so I ignore it. But I care about any place I live in, and that includes the USA. And on public radio, the USA is covered in depth, from the perspective of individual stories rather than statistics.


TV Addictions


Television is not cheap, or all that good a service here. But never mind, this is America. There are plenty of great alternatives for the discerning addict.

Let's focus on the legal. If you want a TV episode the same week and don't mind seeing the same adverts 24/7, you can pay for Hulu, which isn't too expensive compared to Cable.



And then there's Netflix... oh, . Streaming of thousands and thousands of movies and TV shows, from all over the world, legally, for $7.99 a month? This couldn't exist in South Africa, not with the slowness of our internet, or the fragmentation of our market. I guess this is what's great about first world media. Even though the USA is a hugely varied market, like South Africa, people can afford to pay for services en mass, and enough people speak English at home to buy into it.



I have no doubt that some of this could exist in Zulu or Xhosa in South Africa one day, so I find America inspiring in this way. The only problem is that finding an obscure Korean film subtitled in Zulu is pretty much impossible.


The festivals


I'm jealously watching tweets and Facebook boasts and reviews from SXSW - seems like half the people I used to work with in SA are there, meeting Grumpy Cat and watching bands they've always wanted to see live. It's great to know that these 1000s of festivals are so close, and that one day, if film school schedule ever allows me to leave campus for more than a few days, I can go to one or two of them. I have already exchanged my much loved Ford Mustang for a bigger, less sexy car - a car spacious enough to sleep in - so that next year I can be there, not just dream of it.


The famous people


When I go back to SA, I'm often asked if I've spotted any famous people. It's kinda awkward for me. I feel the same way about it as I feel when an American asks me if there are lions in the streets. Except yes, I have. No, not lions. I have met some famous people. I chatted to RJ Mitte from Breaking Bad outside a club in West Hollywood. Many of my professors are famous directors. The problem is, once you meet these famous people, they're just people, FFS.


This feels disappointing at first, like you're missing a Jesus moment of some sort. But if you think about it, it's inspiring. What it means, is that I, little me (right now, also “just a person”) could be a famous just-a-person person one day, and get to make all the films I just dream of now.



  • 1英文美文:生活正在懲罰那些等待的人
  • 2想在美國買買買,那麼你需要知道這些攻略!
  • 3雙語故事:那些在國外租房而居的日子
  • 4生活正在懲罰那些等待的人
  • 5韓語每日一句:我要更加專注於自我,不管何時都把自己放在第一位,與其一邊羨慕別人的人生一邊生活,我的人生更加珍貴。
  • 6韓語每日一說:如果你在過去經歷過讓你痛苦的事情,那麼請想一想當下的幸福;如果你現在正在經歷一些痛苦的事情,那麼請想一想閃亮的未來。
  • 7英語每日一說:是的,生活中我們都在尋求對某些事情的掌控。也許,我們想掩蓋複雜隱情的遺骸,或減輕放手時的痛楚,或抹去孩子犯下的過錯。但有時,真正改變我們生活的唯一辦法就是徹底放手,不管代價如何。
  • 8韓語每日一句:如果你在過去經歷過讓你痛苦的事情,那麼請想一想當下的幸福;如果你現在正在經歷一些痛苦的事情,那麼請想一想閃亮的未來。
  • 9別人的生活沒你想的那麼美好!
  • 10每日一句口語 第1806期:我不想謀生;我想生活
  • 11美國將在佛州和德州釋放轉基因蚊子大綱
  • 12感恩生命:那些年我們一起抗擊癌症的日子
  • 13韓語每日一說:我要更加專注於自我,不管何時都把自己放在第一位,與其一邊羨慕別人的人生一邊生活,我的人生更加珍貴。
  • 14美國就業前景最好的州:亞利桑那,德州
  • 15美國將在佛州和德州釋放轉基因蚊子
  • 推薦閱讀

  • 1韓語每日一句:我一點也不後悔在你面前哭過的那些時光,那些是我感情的努力,是我全心全意對待過你的悲傷的證據,儘管我的哭泣並沒有讓你動搖。
  • 2那些美劇教會我們的人生道理
  • 3第475期:在機場裏發生的那些意想不到的歡樂瞬間
  • 4每日一句泰語:不是童話裏的公主 卻也想在生活中遇到自己的王子
  • 5加州脫美 加州有可能脫離美國嗎
  • 6那些悽美的句子
  • 7那些關於想念的句子精選
  • 8那些年,生活在俄羅斯的幾大好處
  • 9想在美國企業實習?名企最看重留學生的哪些因素!
  • 10想念那些逝去的日子作文800字
  • 11美劇中那些給力的生活口語
  • 12在澳洲生活,那些你不知道的實用小貼士
  • 13日語每日一說:現在回想起來,那個夜晚的相遇,纔是真正使我命運發生改變的瞬間。
  • 14在京生活22年 62歲美國大爺想加入'西城大媽'
  • 15在美國生活,不得不備的藥物清單有哪些?
  • 16韓語每日一說:不要總是提及死亡,沒有比死亡還要確定的東西,這在人類的歷史上從沒有過例外。我們沒有必要去刻意迎接那些一定會到來的東西,在死亡來臨之前沉迷於生活之中吧,我們不就是爲了生活而走到了現在嗎?
  • 17每日一句口語 第1756期:那種人總在你的生活裏挑刺而不去解決自己生活裏的難題
  • 18懷念,那些日子的傷感散文
  • 19我最想念的那些人
  • 20出國在外:在美國生活練口語的六種技巧